Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

all i can say is good hit kick...nice profit...and space...all players play the game for profit...ive taken on entire alliances before...if you know how to FS properly which even if you have 1 moon is still dont need to orry about are starting to sound like the kids on standard who complain because with RJ and Kick over there now they have to learn to FS...

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

good hit kick. GLOTR Pissed. And as for the irate attitude of SpaceDemon, ummm, lets see, first and foremost it is Pissed's own fault for being hit, you would think after the first couple of times of losing fleet and resources he would learn. If he continues to make himself profitable what do you expect players to do? Look the other way? Nope not happening. Get over it.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Nothing like some temper flares in the ol' UoH to spice up the evening, eh?

People take this game too seriously. I've gotten hit multiple times, still made it to the top ten (depending on whose fleets are down ;)). I was a noob once, too, and I've learned how to protect myself well enough to survive.

Nice hit, Kick, enjoy the profits. GLiRL Pissed or if you come back, GLoTR
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

joshanddrew wrote:all i can say is good hit kick...nice profit...and space...all players play the game for profit...ive taken on entire alliances before...if you know how to FS properly which even if you have 1 moon is still dont need to orry about are starting to sound like the kids on standard who complain because with RJ and Kick over there now they have to learn to FS...
If you know how is a big part of the problem.. If you remember we were both in your alliance for a while.. Do you remember the message sent to you when we left.. I lost count of the amount of questions about strategies/game play were sent to different players, that went unanswered. Or the answer was, I'm not sure but will find out from *** and let you know.. The alliance/ circular message system was used as private chat, making it impossible to find an answer if you did get one because each morning there would be up to 100 circular messages about who had what for breakfast or who was late for school. 130 was the highest, not bad in less than 8 hours. Add to those all the other messages that come up when you go to look for an answer; you have 1 unholy mess. Why is there no message boxes for circular and private messages?
I am a little disappointed I suppose which is why this thread has gone on for so long. I only started playing this game because a couple of guys I play another game with started and said it was a good game. They have both now left, so I really don't know whether i want to continue or not. Like the Xtreme server here the game that brought me here is in trouble due to lagging player numbers. I spend a lot of time, as do most of the top 20, hunting out noobs to help and show them the ropes in hope they will boost numbers so the owners allow the server to keep running. For me it isn't all about profit, it's also about keeping the game alive and growing.

You should check The UoH CRs a bit more. What is a UoH?

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

UoH is the Union of Honor. Combat reports here is a section of the broader Union of Honor.

As for tips. I could probably make a list of players that I either mentored of toned up either through the old Black Rebellion or through personal tips. Hell, about 5 minutes ago I just gave fleeting information to someone I am trying to crash on how set up and catch the same people I do. My door is always and has always been open to helping any players with advice. All people need do is ask. Hell I even sent a message to your friend to use moons during his missions so that he could learn for future reference. Better he make a newb mistake on a 120k fleet then on a 2mil fleet that had more time and effort put into it. Learning from your mistakes is how you get better, not getting things handed to you.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

SpaceDemon wrote:What is a UoH?
Union of Honor on the forums.

EDIT: Kick beat me to it. That's what I get for writing long-winded responses.
SpaceDemon wrote:I lost count of the amount of questions about strategies/game play were sent to different players, that went unanswered. Or the answer was, I'm not sure but will find out from *** and let you know..
I never received a question from either of you that I recall.
SpaceDemon wrote:The alliance/ circular message system was used as private chat, making it impossible to find an answer if you did get one because each morning there would be up to 100 circular messages about who had what for breakfast or who was late for school. 130 was the highest, not bad in less than 8 hours. Add to those all the other messages that come up when you go to look for an answer; you have 1 unholy mess.
I also never remember there being that many circs. And if there was, resending the question is always an option. Especially at a time when you'll be online for a while so you can monitor the responses. And if that doesn't work, PM people outside the alliance. Or go to chat. Or post in the forums. There are many options.
SpaceDemon wrote:For me it isn't all about profit, it's also about keeping the game alive and growing.
That can be said for everyone. The game keeps growing because almost everyone is willing to lend a helping hand in teaching players how to play. There are some who just don't learn or just don't want to. It's a shame, but it's true. Now I'm not saying these people get hunted more, and I'm not saying you're one of these people. But if you don't know how to play the game, you have no one to blame except yourself.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

I never received a question from either of you that I recall.
Actually you were the one who said he would check out information and get back to me.. You went offline about 5 mins later by the time I next saw you online it was too late, I had found out the hard way, never did receive a response.. I never asked for help from others except when another targeted me for a short while.. I didn't and don't expect things to be handed to me. Maybe if the messaging system were a little more user friendly, multiple reminder messages would not be needed.. When i offer assistance I try to follow up and make sure I can actually produce what I am offering. You experienced players may be used to the archaic messaging system and simply expect others to send multiple messages, personally I find having to ask the same person the same question many times shows they really aren't interested. Eventually you stop asking.
Last edited by SpaceDemon on Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

Weresloth wrote:Kick, just tell me when you want this locked.
I am kind of enjoying this UoH troll-fest to be honest.
SpaceDemon wrote:
I never received a question from either of you that I recall.
Actually you were the one who said he would check out information and get back to me.. You went offline about 5 mins later by the time I next saw you online it was too late, I had found out the hard way, never did receive a response.. I never asked for help from others except when another targeted me for a short while.. I didn't and don't expect things to be handed to me. Maybe if the messaging system were a little more user friendly, multiple reminder messages would not be needed.. When i offer assistance I try to follow up and make sure I can actually produce what I am offering. You experienced players may be used to the archaic messaging system and simply expect others to send multiple messages, personally I find having to ask the same person the same question many times shows they really aren't interested. Eventually you stop asking.
QQ more pl0x.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Pissed TD 352.579.900

SpaceDemon wrote:
I never received a question from either of you that I recall.
Actually you were the one who said he would check out information and get back to me.. You went offline about 5 mins later by the time I next saw you online it was too late, I had found out the hard way, never did receive a response.. I never asked for help from others except when another targeted me for a short while.. I didn't and don't expect things to be handed to me. Maybe if the messaging system were a little more user friendly, multiple reminder messages would not be needed.. When i offer assistance I try to follow up and make sure I can actually produce what I am offering. You experienced players may be used to the archaic messaging system and simply expect others to send multiple messages, personally I find having to ask the same person the same question many times shows they really aren't interested. Eventually you stop asking.
I don't recall that. Not to say it didn't happen. I've got memory like swiss cheese. But odds are RL pulled me away and I didn't know you needed the info immediately. And yes, apparently I forgot, and yes, that's my bad, but I stand by the fact that there are other ways to figure out what you need to know. And since the messaging system isn't up to your standards, a reminder message would be nice for the old folk.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.