Re: Last One to Post Wins

joshanddrew wrote:i win end of story...
Then let's start a new story :P "Once upon a time, in the universe of Zorg Empire, there lived a fleeter named Joshanddrew. He posted on a topic called "'Last One to Post Wins'" and believed that he had won. But, little did he know..."

(All who want to, continue the story)
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: Last One to Post Wins

In geometry, an ellipse (from Greek ἔλλειψις elleipsis, a "falling short") is a plane curve that results from the intersection of a cone by a plane in a way that produces a closed curve. Circles are special cases of ellipses, obtained when the cutting plane is orthogonal to the cone's axis. An ellipse is also the locus of all points of the plane whose distances to two fixed points add to the same constant.

-source wiki
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Wiki wrote:Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word in the original text. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence (aposiopesis). When placed at the end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy longing. The ellipsis calls for a slight pause in speech.
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