Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

Definitely a no. If i am making up 100k probes for MS, i do not want to have "Are you sure?" pop up all the time. Here is an idea for everyone that does not like our current structure: put the number of ships you want into the appropriate section on SY. It can actually not get any easier than the setup we have, so lets not make this set-up into a SPED game. Are you sure you wanted to read this post? Really, are you sure? Oh, perhaps you can cancel having read this? Yeah, don't lie, just that alone is annoying, imagine that when playing a game and having it happen 10 times a day. Suck it up and move on if you make the wrong ships, as it is only your fault.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

A pop up? Ugh, how ugly would that be :?
Mistakes happen if you aren't careful, and nothing to do but deal with it. And sometimes, those "wrong" ships or defenses actually turn out to be useful...and that's my personal experience talking :whistle:

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

lol sorry not related to this but love your pic choke
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

Sevatrix wrote:lol sorry not related to this but love your pic choke

*Bonks Sev on the head with her broom* So send him a pm sheesh. Anyway back to the TOPIC at hand (glares at Sev), I would say a big NO from me also on this, it is irritating as all get out when having to verify that yes that is what you want to do, just takes you through a bunch more steps. I have personally made the mistake of building probes instead of solars, thing is I learned from my mistake... It is called pay attention to what you are doing. ;)
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

ok sorry for bringing it up again i will check next time to see if it has already been suggested or not, but thank you all for your feedback.
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

k this post is quite old y r ppl still posting can a mod lock it?
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Defense and fleet cancelation

Sevatrix wrote:k this post is quite old y r ppl still posting can a mod lock it?
People are still posting in it because it was opened less than a week ago (which isn't old) and YOU never asked a mod to close it before now. Sheesh do I have to hit you on the head again?
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!