Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

switchfoot wrote:Have you guys noticed, that the only reason you are any good is because of RJSTurgill. The rest of you don't have anything. It's all him. So, you can ALL talk all you want, but he's the only one with bragging rights. And he's in v-mode.

Oh, and we don't spend rubies like crazy as you guys do. We have better things to use money for, lol

Merged posts. ~KM
Just joined Standard 2 days ago, but I am getting the account up the way I like. I guess my track record on Xtreme says nothing about my fleeting abilities. Guess you will find out shortly, now won't we. ;)

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

speed is the fastest and best for new players....xtreme is where the most experienced players and best fleeters live...standard is just that slow server with a bunch of noobs....THIS is the epiphany i have come to in the last few days....

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

switchfoot wrote:Oh, and we don't spend rubies like crazy as you guys do. We have better things to use money for, lol

I just had to return to this sentence of your post switchfoot. See there is nothing I dislike more than someone sitting around saying someone else is doing something and playing all innocent themselves. As by spending rubies I am assuming you are saying they are buying moons and such. So being the mean bwitch that I am, I took it upon myself to scan through the standard galaxies. Yep I did them all :o . And would you like to know what I found? Probably not, but being outspoken, I am going to tell you anyway.

Out of the 9 galaxies I found that on the Cerberus side there was a possibility of 8 moons that could have been bought with rubies. Now on the Wank Tank side I found there was a possibility of 7 moons that could have been purchased. Now just because there is a possibility of them being purchased does not mean they were on either side.

Basically, as my grandmother would say.... Your statement is a little like the pot calling the kettle black. In other words, just in case you don't understand that meaning, your statement of them spending rubies like crazy when there is a possible chance that your own members are doing the same thing is total hypocracy.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

I'd just like everyone to know that I'm moving, so don't be going around saying I'm in v-mode because I got scared of all the defense bashing.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Looks like RJ has blown this wide open today, welcome back bro.

For Cerberus, keep up the great attacks! Oh, btw I do not like anchovies on my pizza, put some Canadian bacon on there for me.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank war reports

Sorry guys
A lot of our members don't have an account in the forum, thats why this was a one way street, plus Moon destruction don't count into these posts as I have noticed, the damage goes into your pockets & not the DF. ;)

So, lets continue this war shall we, I don't know why Rjsturgill is always annoying us with the rules of forum, while every one know that there are no rules at war. :hand: :!:

Merged - Rj

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Blame wrote:Wall of text in CR section
Only place CRs there, kind of obvious, if you want to have pointless writing, do that here.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Seems this was would be considered over with us winning, since there is no participation being shown on their end?
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Blame wrote:The Wank Tank have crossed the line now they will have to pay.
the war is on.
the "wank tank" have crossed the line and they have to pay? EPIC fail at trying to be serious while using the phrase "wank tank"