Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

I am assuming you are Blame (the Cerberus alliance leader) in Standard. If so good luck. If not, then you best get your alliance leader to make this war declaration :)

On another note I will assume you know the rules, such as making cr thread for the war and obeying the rule

For two warring parties the bashing rule is removed, however, both parties must wait for 24 hours after the original declaration (forum time) before they can commence bashing. After the 24 hours has elapsed, attacks between the two participants are unlimited.

Good Luck to both alliances. ;)
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

All I can say is, Come one, Come all. If anyone else wants to go to war with us, Please feel free. We are in this server for one reason and one reason only....Raise hell then leave.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Yes thats me, I am a little shy :liar: Witchywoman, but I must say I like the outfit. :shock:
thanks you for the advice about the rules.

As for the The Wank (shameless) Tank, sorry guys, you have stepped on too many toes, now we are going to make you leave.

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Stepping on toes is what this is all about, just want to get some time here to pwn some of these n00bs. Been so busy I let a 6h MD through earlier, kind of says a statement on how much time I have for this, all the same, I am just going to stick around continuously to p1ss off some big bloated newbs whom only have grown because they are on a bunny server that has no attacking each other.

Also, since a few of us have had the balls to come into your yard, please, do me a favour and join extreme as well to make things fun and return the favour.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

how about cerberus reads how to post a CR on fourms and stops putting the entire thing with cords???....and defense bashing does not make your alliance look impressive :roll:

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

i guess nooberus has a lot to learn about fleeting. and using the forums. Just PM me next time, ill help you out
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Here is a message from Ataturk.

what they (the wank tank) are saying is not all true and the score they're counting is for sure not true. Maybe we lost in a few battles, but we won more. anyhow you can check out Cerberus' power and our alliance power and know that we have no free time to post all of our attacks on the wank tank in the forum cuz we re fighting here and not just talkin as they're doing.

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

We have clearly shown CR's Where are yours if they exist? I have ninjad every attack you have thrown at me, so please feel free to keep trying. Show reports and the total will be reflected. Oh, and my profit it millions where as you guys have def bashed and maybe profited thousands. Tell your alliance mates to grow a set and come here themselves. They are not mighty or powerful at all. I have proven this
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Cerberus Vs The Wank Tank

Horning in on this guys..... switchfoot just to make you completely aware of the forum posting cr's... If your alliance does not post the combat reports, then their total will not show correctly. But then I guess perhaps your alliance is ok with The Wank Tank showing that Cerberus is obviously lacking in the combat tactics department. *shrugs* Just saying it makes you guys look bad.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!