Big-Dude[SE] -vs- joshanddrew[Growth] TD: 78.694.650

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 5897299 units of Metal, 3977485 units of Crystal and 2139126 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 78.694.650 units.
A debris field containing 24.527.240 units of Metal and 26.689.550 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
DF recycled
Power is Ours!

Re: Big-Dude[SE] -vs- joshanddrew[Growth] TD: 78.694.650

I am going to give major props on this for a few reasons. First off JaD has been playing excellent, and getting a hit on him period is an accomplishment. Next, when I stuck that roamer near you, yes you tried to weasel out of it by sicking my ex-gf at me lol, but after the initial bit of fear you had you manned up and even sent me a message to taunt me (in a joking fashion, not a dick way). Now that takes balls however, and backing up the testicular fortitude with some results, that is even better. Big congrats mate.

Big glotr JaD

PS, I will still be crashing you BD after I get back, not a matter of if, but a matter of how much time I get and when. Looking forward to another fun cat and mouse.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Big-Dude[SE] -vs- joshanddrew[Growth] TD: 78.694.650

as long as you are online when ur fleet is down. and u do not fs predictively. i doubt anyone can catch you. but the cat and mouse game in the end is always a test of reserve of composer and your consistency with fleet saving.

when fleeters goes for moon pop that is usually when they detect your movements (you become predictable). stay unpredictable with ur movement and fs accordingly and be there when fleet lands you can give anyone one in game a good run for their deut.

anyway apart from that i must say this is a pretty impressive hit BD. JAD has always been careful about his business. and getting him down that way shows u have been watching him closely.

Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.