Goodbye everyone

Well, after months of inactivity and indecision, I'm finally gonna be throwing in the towel with regards to ZE - once and for all. I hope that the person who takes over my account will use it well and will honor my name (even though they will ideally change it :P).

I'd love to thank all of the great guys from SOA, most of which that moved on to other speeds or even other games, especially RejectRagDoll, Bruteforce, gtoboy, and Rava. Also a huge amount of thanks goes to the Grata guys on xtreme, especially zeeks, manede, and shade (all of which have moved to EV with me :D). To all of you antagonizers out there, thanks for making ZE an enjoyable experience...but I hope you all die :).

Fly safe, folks.

Re: Goodbye everyone

Best of luck mate, was wonderful to have had a short SOA appearance with ya when testing the new server back then. Best of luck elsewhere, and don't worry, your last act will have spiced up Standard, and that I promise.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Goodbye everyone

awwwww.... my old competitor in calling quits :(.

well best of luck with ur new found direction mate. was fun how ever short time we had our entanglement in game.

just curious have u decided upon ur extreme account yet? i believe u got a nice chunk of fleety laying there ;)
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.