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more on colonizing

I recently started the game and have been reading topics on the forum and the player guide. I do have one question about colonizing that most topics have not touched on.

Which colonizing is preferred/ more advantageous? Colonizing in the same system? Or colonizing spread far across different galaxies? I know that fleeters would be in a better position spreading out their colonies, but what advantages are there in colonizing in the same system? Also if someone were to colonize by spreading out, how far is far enough?


Re: more on colonizing

Well, this is my opinion, it is good to have clusters (planets in the same systems) but I do not make more than 4 or 5 planets close together. Sometimes I just spread out and have no clusters, so it is not bad to have mabye 3-5 planets in the same system, but still do not have more than 5 planets really close together. Remeber to spread out as well.
Pride and Poise.

Re: more on colonizing

I strongly agree with Weresloth. Clustering invites trouble. You might as well put out a sign for fleeters saying "Bend me over and raid me, baby". No matter what style you are playing, spreading your planets out is a good idea. It also allows playing style flexibility. You can still mine with spread out planets, and it leaves open the possibility of going fleeting in the future, whereas if you cluster your planets it limits any future fleeting.
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"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: more on colonizing

my playstyle is similar to raiders2. I have some clusters of 4-5 colonies then spread the rest (try for 1-2 in each galaxy) The one advantage of having a cluster in my opinion is its quick to transport ships and resources around. But if you leave your colonies looking tasty to fleeters all your colonies in the cluster/galaxy tend to get hit. Just make yourself unprofitable and you'll be fine. Also fleeters have a few roamer colonies which are not developed like mining colonies but you can park them next to a nice target and move when your done farming.