Re: Females

Ha, it seems some male (boy) ego's just got schooled. Remember this, I may be male or I may be female, or hell, i may be both. I may be a woman transitioning to manhood or a man transitioning to be a woman. I might be a boy, a girl, or alien. But one thing you can rest assured, every ship from esp to RIP is unisex. They will F*** anything they are told to and leave a stain on the planets sheets for a moon clean-up. Who cares IRL what you are, have fun and enjoy. Good luck witchy and fly that broom high... just aim your wicked wand the other way plz

Re: Females

Witchywoman wrote:*Sigh* Men.... you give them what they ask for and they either think you are lying or try to tear it apart to see what it is made of. I told the truth about being a female, and it was written that basically proof is in the photo. I put my pic here and get jabbed at for it? Frankly at this point as I now feel very insulted, I could care less if you believe it to be a photo of me. I do not have to impress upon your male egos that I am female as I am not here to try to impress you, I am here to play a war game which (though out of the realm of most female minds) is a game I thoroughly enjoy. Happy hunting and may you fleet stay safe.
I'd just like to you to note that those posts, from what I can tell, were sarcastic. As in, joking. As in, they weren't try to "jab" at you. I doubt anyone here is trying to pick up a woman, so you shouldn't feel any need to "impress" us. After all, we are "here to play a war game."

For someone who seems to love to laugh, you sure are quick to get angry. :lol:

Just as a note, this wasn't an attack. I'm simply defending our "male egos," as you put it. :mrgreen:
Spankie wrote:Ha, it seems some male (boy) ego's just got schooled. Remember this, I may be male or I may be female, or hell, i may be both. I may be a woman transitioning to manhood or a man transitioning to be a woman. I might be a boy, a girl, or alien. But one thing you can rest assured, every ship from esp to RIP is unisex. They will F*** anything they are told to and leave a stain on the planets sheets for a moon clean-up. Who cares IRL what you are, have fun and enjoy. Good luck witchy and fly that broom high... just aim your wicked wand the other way plz
From some of your other posts, I wouldn't place your age very high.

Re: Females

Urweirdsaysi wrote:
Spankie wrote:Ha, it seems some male (boy) ego's just got schooled. Remember this, I may be male or I may be female, or hell, i may be both. I may be a woman transitioning to manhood or a man transitioning to be a woman. I might be a boy, a girl, or alien. But one thing you can rest assured, every ship from esp to RIP is unisex. They will F*** anything they are told to and leave a stain on the planets sheets for a moon clean-up. Who cares IRL what you are, have fun and enjoy. Good luck witchy and fly that broom high... just aim your wicked wand the other way plz
From some of your other posts, I wouldn't place your age very high.
Is that all you do? somebody asks a simple question about women playing the game, two reply, one goes as far as posting "proof" and that is then questioned. I simply make a comment that who cares, this is a game that has no bearing on sexuality. You then comment on what you summize to be my age? Is there an arguement you WONT start? Is that what your intellectual prowess is summized to be? Wow, ill be sure to just skip your posts as they definitely are NOT on subject and have no value. Good luck to all in the game.

Re: Females

First post I made was of a sarcastic nature. It was an allusion to the COMMON internet phrase used when someone posts something. You then make you "got schooled" comment (And you question my own age, as well. So don't go pointing the finger when it happens to you) and I posted a simple observation that I had made. Apologies if you took offense to it, but its simply an opinion. After all, "Who cares IRL what you are, have fun and enjoy."

Once again, apologies if you took major offense to it. But you want to question my maturity and then want to whine when the same is done to you. That isn't being mature, so don't chastise me for doing the same.

Re: Females

Urweirdsaysi wrote:I'd just like to you to note that those posts, from what I can tell, were sarcastic. As in, joking. As in, they weren't try to "jab" at you. I doubt anyone here is trying to pick up a woman, so you shouldn't feel any need to "impress" us. After all, we are "here to play a war game."

Perhaps you should revisit my post and read it again. First off, I did not say anyone was trying to pick up a woman here. Secondly, I said I was NOT here to impress you. So tell me where in the blue blazes :twisted: you got that I felt the need to impress you? I keep a to do list and believe me "trying to impress you" is not on it.
Urweirdsaysi wrote:For someone who seems to love to laugh, you sure are quick to get angry.

I love to laugh yes. I said I felt insulted. You have not even begun to see me get irritated much less angry.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Females

I would like to reiterate that I AM NOT trying to attack you in anyway, I apologize completely if I offended you.

By simply stating you don't want to impress us, that tells me you think we want you to. So, I said we aren't trying to pick up wives here and we don't want you to try and impress us, simply because we don't care if you a man, woman, ape, donkey, or whatever be the case. I mis-worded my post there, I think. You shouldn't think we want you to impress us, might have been better.

And I've got no intentions of making you irritated.

Re: Females

Urweirdsaysi wrote:By simply stating you don't want to impress us, that tells me you think we want you to.
:lol: Its good to know that you are so easily lead to think you understand how and what a woman thinks. Considering man has tried to figure out the way a woman thinks since the beginning of time, you may wish to rethink what you think you know. :lol:

And no that is not a slam on you.... just a comment on the way you think I think... Dont ya think? :lol:
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!