Re: Ancients [SGC] vs hctit35 [BYC] TD 147 millions

wow wrote:Ancients has built the most respected alliance in Standard, It at times was hard, dangerous and boring work.

Due to his leadership we defeated the strongest alliance on starndard, SOA (no disrespect intended).

We've grown to hold 9 of the top 10 players overall.

The explaination was made because, there has been a slight shift in our policy. We nrver used to attack first. We are now making an exception, for people who harbor our enemies. We give people ample opertunity to remedy the situation before attacking. Ancients felt he needed to let all know why we attacked first.
congratulations on building the strongest allaince on standard that your the strongest why not take on a bigger chllange and come try your skills over here in extreme? i havnt even heard of SGC since you started posting? and now i know why it takes you 2 weeks inbetween hits thats how long it takes the fleet to get there...

Re: Ancients [SGC] vs hctit35 [BYC] TD 147 millions

@ Guerilla : I guess that you started the game quite recently as you are not aware of the 8 months of conflict between SOA and SGC last year. SGC was able to defeat SOA due to strong bond and strategies/tactics. An advice for you: Fleetsaving is the basic thing that you must know as soon as possible. We warned your leader 48 hours to remove a member for your alliance and he did not care to reply. Your alliance BYC is being farmed now because of your big mouth and your messages full of swear words.

@ Everyone : When I started to play the game in April 2010, Standard game was just released and it was the best option for me to join the game as I did not want to enter in EXTREME after missing its start from a couple of months. Due to work constraints and limited time availability, I can only afford to play only one server. The friendship bond in SGC is quite strong and unique -> I will not leave that!!!

By looking at the combat reports with huge DF in extreme and speed servers, it looks to me that raiding/bullies attitudes prevail a lot -> As it is a war game, I respect your beliefs/choice even if I don`t agree to that.

Last but not least, it is my choice to make SGC let all other alliances grow in peace, irrespective if they are stronger than SGC with time. SGC attacks only its listed enemies or alliances harboring members who had attacked an SGC member.

@ joshanddrew : Previously, SOA and SGC were fighting each other and the combat reports were mainly from that conflict in standard game last year. SGC don`t attack other alliances fleets just for fun/profits. I promise to myself not to take advantage of our power to crush all other alliances. If SGC was acting like bullies (e.g. SOA did it last year from April 2010 to November 2010), you would see combat reports everyday.

Don't double post, edit your previous post. I fixed it for you -RJ
Last edited by Ancients on Tue May 03, 2011 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Ancients [SGC] vs hctit35 [BYC] TD 147 millions

Ancients wrote:@ Guerilla : I guess that you started the game quite recently as you are not aware of the 8 months of conflict between SOA and SGC last year. SGC was able to defeat SOA due to strong bond and strategies/tactics. An advice for you: Fleetsaving is the basic thing that you must know as soon as possible. We warned your leader 48 hours to remove a member for your alliance and he did not care to reply. Your alliance BYC is being farmed now because of your big mouth and your messages full of swear words.
They are being farmed for being sloppy. If they FSd and took the res with them always, then they would never get farmed. If you are attacked it is almost always your own fault as is the case. This hit however is obviously just for profit, i mean come on.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Ancients [SGC] vs hctit35 [BYC] TD 147 millions

Primary goal of atack was to support an SGC member who was attacked first by farming BYC alliance.

When I saw his fleet points in rankings, I decided to go for it (a big DF will not hurt) => good profit after my initial investment of 2-3 millions deuterium to move my BC fleet with 40 mins and recyclers fleet to collect the DF.

NOTE : hctit35 was polite and shows good sportsmanship after the attack

Re: Ancients [SGC] vs hctit35 [BYC] TD 147 millions

@Ancients, first of all you know that my alliance BYC didnt never attack anyone from SGC. You didnt like the fact that we accepted dead to rights or whatever his name was. Our alliance leader was away and didnt respond to your message saying that he was an enemy of SGC, so that made you declare on us. So.... dont try and make it seem like we started the war with you guys because that doesnt even make any sense at all. Its pretty obvious that SGC and Cerberus together are the strongest alliances in this universe AT THIS TIME.