[Decision Needed] Espionage Report forwarding

First lemme ask the dev team if it is possible to forward espionage reports with the formats intact? that is if it can be shared with a player. I would like to be able to forward it to players or in circular but if that is difficult just 1 player is enough to make it working.

Also if the above is not possible can you allow hyper links in the circular messages? and automatically convert the colony coordinate reference at anytime in a message (pm/circular) into a hyperlink that points to a galaxy view to that coordinate. in this way if an espionage report is copied and posted in circular or pm it will have the necessary links for shortcuts.

here is an example of such hyperlink
no worries thats my home colony which is not a secret.

just to make it a bit better life in ze world.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Espionage Report forwarding

I like this too. Please do it. It may be a small matter, but small matters can nevertheless improve the playing experience.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

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