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Re: I don't see my fleet come back

When you send a deploy mission then recall it, you will not see a return time on the overview.
But there should be a returning fleet on the fleet menu.

When you send 2 missions (attack and a recycle) and it will arrive at the target planet within the same second, only the recycle mission will show up on the overview. No attack mission on the fleet menu but they both will have a return time. I experienced it a couple of times.
Seasons end.

Re: I don't see my fleet come back

Sometimes your recalled fleet will show up in the overview. It seems to just be random, because I've recalled fleets within seconds after they've launched (Forgot to add a ship, etc) and sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. I've done it with and without other fleets in flight, and both situations occur. I've also recalled fleets that were in the air for an extended period of time, with and without other fleets, and sometimes it shows, other it doesn't.

I'm not sure what it is o.O