Ultimate War

This might seem far fetch and any other ideas may be added:

Ultimate War

Ultimate war was an idea I have came up with. There are two teams that can be selected....by alliances. There will be a blue time and a red team. These teams i believe should be on another server. They will attack each other for yet....there are little less boundaries. Also the universe will have a faster pace than the rest. If this takes off i believe this would be a fun and extension to the game. Thank you for viewing my post


Dumb for not doing this earlier but thanks for the sig Gale.

Re: Ultimate War

I have seen 3 or 4 games with this concept over the past couple of years ranging from space to army, the concept sounds good but I havent seen one be successful, the game always becomes unbalanced after a couple of month and the game just disappears. Maybe there is a success story out there but I havent seen it.

Re: Ultimate War

I have seen the concept work in one game that has many permanent worlds, but it also has occasional speed worlds with a limited duration of 6 hrs. The speed of the resource, building and unit production is vastly increased, and the final ranking is based on the points they've accumulated. To make the concept more interesting for Zorg, you might base the final ranking on TD inflicted.
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"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Ultimate War

ive seen it before on a different game seemed slightly succeful they called it a tournament world...temp world were everyone has one month to accumlate whatever points they can and inflict as much damage on their enemys as they can...the top so and so players get prizes such as rubies,in game currancy,ipods,misc junk....that they win or get to bring back to there actual accounts...