so lets say ive made great friends in this game i learned to know alot of great guys and girls
but the game lost its charm for me combine that with reallife it *****
i know ive never been more then an average player on the very good days but still i feel like saying goodbye
so yea goodbye all
Re: bye
#4Back in 2009 when i first started playing ze istalris and kick were the only two ppl i had interaction with in the forum. they were asking me over and over to join the old xat chat saying cool ppl stay there. So i went in one find day and in the first week or so met lorre (atler/DS).
he impressed me with his honestly simplicity and a vast capacity to learn things (also damn good history buff-especially war related stuffs). Soon we became great pals. I played ze initially out of just fun but like me many of the players play it because of the awesome community. for me atler had one of the bigger role in that. in game and out side we shared so much that i can say I have a real true friend here.
he always seem like a spirited bunch to me but with jaffa movement he really surprised me with character and poise. so when ZEFA was made and he was approached by bobwrox and pk to join in i wasnt surprised that he will be one of the greater zerfaits.
here on zefa then ezt atler is one of the reasons for me to join in. i considered him as a standard and kept coming in.
I know when he said ze has been a real interest i know how true it was. I am glad that R/L for better will keep you busy it will be a good thing to know things are sorting out good for you my friend. but must say ze has been fun alot of fun in many was because of u buddy.
Good luck with your persuasion and hope u do good. as all said having u back in here if u can find time out of work and all would be great too.
looking forward to meet ya someday.
Cheers, the raging minotaur
he impressed me with his honestly simplicity and a vast capacity to learn things (also damn good history buff-especially war related stuffs). Soon we became great pals. I played ze initially out of just fun but like me many of the players play it because of the awesome community. for me atler had one of the bigger role in that. in game and out side we shared so much that i can say I have a real true friend here.
he always seem like a spirited bunch to me but with jaffa movement he really surprised me with character and poise. so when ZEFA was made and he was approached by bobwrox and pk to join in i wasnt surprised that he will be one of the greater zerfaits.
here on zefa then ezt atler is one of the reasons for me to join in. i considered him as a standard and kept coming in.
I know when he said ze has been a real interest i know how true it was. I am glad that R/L for better will keep you busy it will be a good thing to know things are sorting out good for you my friend. but must say ze has been fun alot of fun in many was because of u buddy.
Good luck with your persuasion and hope u do good. as all said having u back in here if u can find time out of work and all would be great too.
looking forward to meet ya someday.
Cheers, the raging minotaur

Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.
Re: bye
#5Atler, personally, I do not really know you. But, I've heard great things about you. It's sad to see you go, you've played a big part in the community here. But, real life trumps the game. I can only hope that you come back, Zorg won't be the same without you. Best wishes and good luck in real life.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: bye
#6A sad day for everyone to see you go Atler/Lorre. I still remember the old xat days we all had, and sadly much of that crew is gone now
. Good luck in real life, and I figured this was coming sooner or later, just had hoped it to be later lol