As i browse the forums reading up on the hits and such i see way to much being made about rankings. So and so hit such and such and he was 1 to 200 ranks below..what a meanie blah blah blah.The idea behind the game is to have the top empire which can be done in several fashions.One is to build within..get your 21 colonies and feed a planet to build off of.Two is to feed off others provided you turn a profit,what point is there to crash someone to say you did it and not come out ahead.The third is to do both feed yourself and feed off others, this is the choice of my own personal preference.
I don't care what your 'rank' standings are if i am gonna turn a profit you ARE gonna get smacked..and my personal favorite are the people that colonize 15 planets in 1 sector leave millions of resources on each one and protect it with 20 cruisers and some useless 200 rocket launchers...if this is you and and you expect your ships and resources to be there when you log back in...prepare for dissapointment.
If you fleetsave to or from anything other then a moon and you expect to not get phalanx hit by me or any other experienced player...once again prepare for dissapointment.You do NOT have to own a moon yourself to make you fleet invisible to phalanx attacks..find an inactive moon make you fleet attack it...not destroy..and you are safe from logging in to see someone has sent an attack that is gonna arrive seconds after your fleet does leaving you helpless to defend it.
Another common mistake..WAY TO not leave your fleet on a moon thinking noone is gonna notice...if this is you and you expect your fleet to be there in the morning..prepare for disappointment.
Even the best layed plans have their kinks..if you plan on playing zorg empire with the thought it will never happen to you..i.e. losing your entire fleet..yep you guessed it you WILL be VERY dissapointed..cause it IS gonna happen to you and its gonna suck..but if you built your empire in a manner that keeps you in the game even when all is lost then you WON'T be dissapointed for long.
Prime example the Mintaka/Slash encounter...he had to watch it happen,knew it was coming and set his mind up that it was not gonna deter him from moving forward.This is the mentallity that is required to move on...get mad get even but you'll NEVER have that chance to repay it if you quit..just my 2 cents and hopefully all you new people heed the advice and the warnings,,cause its not a question of it can happen to you...IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!!Question is now..what are you prepared to do about it!!
Re: Hints worth reading
#2Another hint is that if you indent your paragraphs its easier to read.
good read tho Gumps
good read tho Gumps
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!
Re: Hints worth reading
#3dag nab it..i did when i wrote it lol oh well..they'll either get the point or get a sharp stick in the eye as the land shark or the man on the boat smacks em up!!
Re: Hints worth reading
#4Thanks for the advice
But making yourself vulnerbale for a short time dose have its advantages (As long as you have defences)

If I had to choose who I would die fighting against, I would choose corrupt government.
Re: Hints worth reading
#5It does seem that a lot of players go (i) and quit after someone wipes their fleet. I know that it must happen and I won't quit when it does.

Re: Hints worth reading
#6You do know defenses don't help you much, right?HimejiSR wrote:Thanks for the adviceBut making yourself vulnerbale for a short time dose have its advantages (As long as you have defences)
Too many times I've seen people bragging about how fortified their planets are. If you can build it, someone can destroy it even faster. Best defense is to just not have anything on your planet.
Re: Hints worth reading
#7As other players have pointed out in other posts, defenses are useful to protect your overnight production when your fleet and daytime produced res are on a fleetsave mission.
This is what makes an attack on your overnight production unprofitable.
They are also good when you decide to present your fleet at the last moment (this is what they call "ninja" if I 'm not wrong) to defend your planet after the last safety probing of the attacker. They provide the additional firepower so that, together with proper timing of recyclers, can make you end up making profit even with somewhat lesser fleet that the attacker's.
They are also useful when you choose to escape your planet in the last moment leaving no resources, so that the attacker actually "crashes" on your defenses. The attacker proves "victorious", but with well timed recyclers you recycle all his debris and you end up breaking even to patch up your defenses, or even making small profit.
This is what makes an attack on your overnight production unprofitable.
They are also good when you decide to present your fleet at the last moment (this is what they call "ninja" if I 'm not wrong) to defend your planet after the last safety probing of the attacker. They provide the additional firepower so that, together with proper timing of recyclers, can make you end up making profit even with somewhat lesser fleet that the attacker's.
They are also useful when you choose to escape your planet in the last moment leaving no resources, so that the attacker actually "crashes" on your defenses. The attacker proves "victorious", but with well timed recyclers you recycle all his debris and you end up breaking even to patch up your defenses, or even making small profit.
Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it
Re: Hints worth reading
#8people that turtle just set themselves up to get smashed. I get pissed when people waste money on defence i cant recycle that sometimes i go out of my way to smash them and doing that i am happy if i break even
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!
Re: Hints worth reading
#9Exaggerated defenses is not my playing style either, but I think defenses should increase in parallel to the increase in overnight production as mines go up in level.
Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it