Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Haven't seen a new riddle in awhile, so I thought I'd post one. Good luck! (if you think you know the answer, you may need to use google to confirm your guess.)

Provide the last five characters in this sequence: f22f3e72e5g22g4 _ _ _ _ _

Also, explain why they complete the sequence. Hope you guys haven't seen this one before.
"Quem notrum ignorare arbitraris, Catalina!" --Cicero

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Gonna jump in here and say something (I just read this edit)...
love2scoobysnack wrote:
KarrothMelu wrote:Heat up the water first. Water freezes faster if it's cooled from a higher temp.
Karroth you fail. While you do remove more energy faster to start once you reach the same temp as the brother's water was when put into the freezer it will proceed to cool at the same rate as the brother's water did when first placed in the freezer however, a few hours (give or take) have passed in which the brother's water has already frozen.

there are so many ways to do this and salt in the brother's water would work however, that seems like cheating. So Jim needs to place ice cubes into his water which had previously been made from water which came out of the kitchen tap. This is not cheating because the rules do not stipulate that Jim can't freeze more than 5 ounces of water only that he must freeze the 5.


Karroth is still wrong even though he got the point because by warming the water mare will evaporate and there will no longer be the required 5 ounces of water frozen, also due to the time required to heat the water, adjust the freezer to the proper temperature, and remove any impurities from the tap water what would affect his plan, Ben has enough time to look up what he is doing and just before the water goes in the freezer he hands his brother a lid to put on his container totally screwing him over.

Also Karroth still looses because he did not explain the complete how and because I am bitter that they never covered any principles of convection in my physics classes.
Be jealous of my science :P

(Also, I found this long-winded article on this effect. Kind of interesting)
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Look like Istalris forgot about the game again lol ;) . It's been over a week, so I'll post a new riddle. I hope this hasn't been used before.

This is called the Monty Hall problem. The Monty Hall Show was a game show hosted by Monty Hall where contestants would choose between 3 doors, and they would get whatever was behind their chosen door. There is 1 grand prize (let's say a bag of cash) and 2 consolation prizes (let's say T-shirts that say "I was on the Monty Hall Show and all I got was this lousy T-shirt). The little twist is that after making your initial choice, but before Monty Hall opens your chosen door, he opens one of the other doors, revealing a T-shirt (it may be important to note that this is NOT a random selection by Monty; he knows what's behind each door and deliberately reveals a T-shirt). Then, you have the choice of staying with your original choice, or switching to the other unopened door (one door has been opened, so there are only 2 unopened doors remaining including the one you chose at the start). So the question is, to maximize your chance of getting the money, should you stay or should you switch (or does is it matter), and WHY?
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle


Let's look at all the situations (a star represents your choice):

*D1 - cash
D2 - shirt
D3 - shirt

He opens one door, leaving us with

*D1 - cash
D2/D3 (doesn't matter which one) - shirt

You switch, you lose.

Second situation:

D1 - cash
*D2 - shirt
D3 - shirt

He opens one door, has to leave us with:

D1 - cash
*D2 - shirt

You switch, you win.

Final situation:

D1 - cash
D2 - shirt
*D3 - shirt

He opens one, leaves us with:

D1 - cash
*D3 - shirt

You switch, you win.

That shows that there is a 2/3 chance that switching will get you the cash.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Correct! Karroth showed the graphic way of looking at it. Another, more abstract way to think of it is to consider it as two sets of doors. Set 1 is the set of one door that you initially choose. Set 2 is the set of the other 2 doors. Obviously, Set 1 has a 1/3 chance of having the cash and Set 2 a 2/3 chance. We also know that Set 2 has to have at least one shirt. So, when Monty shows you a shirt in Set 2, this does not actually represent new knowledge about Set 2, since you already knew that it must have at least one shirt and therefore does not affect the probabilities, so Set 2 still has a 2/3 chance of having the cash, except that now we know one of the doors has a probability of 0/3, so the probability of 2/3 'collapses' onto the remaining door in Set 2.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

wrong, i think correct answer is to not switch

its a twist in a simple math problem

we know that there is a 33% chance of getting the cash,
when host reveals a door, there is a t shirt, so your chances are increased to 66%
however, if you switch, you have a 50-50 chance

dont switch

66% chance of winning is bigger than 50 %