Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#113Well when I click on the link for the calculator you posted, I get this:Zorg wrote:For the record, the calculator does not need beta access.
Login Required!
You need to login before you will be able to play. Redirecting...
Then it goes to the Beta login page.
Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#114When will you let us know if everything is working correctly so it can be put into speed server?Zorg wrote:Once everything is tested and working correctly in X-TREME, we will let some time to gel, then copy to other universes as well
Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#115will the upgrade work for laser and ion???
or only plasma tech?
or only plasma tech?
Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#116As of now, plasma only.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#117It really should include laser and ion though.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#118I am sure they will be implemented in due time. Then the turtles will have their gift of even more powerful light lasers and can finally shut the hell up about new defenses...pupairo12 wrote:It really should include laser and ion though.

Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#119This is up to the players not us.jd5001 wrote:When will you let us know if everything is working correctly so it can be put into speed server?Zorg wrote:Once everything is tested and working correctly in X-TREME, we will let some time to gel, then copy to other universes as well
Re: [Implemented] defense upgrades
#120Oh, right. Can you make it so when you do an espionage report on someone their plasma tech level is automatically entered into the simulator. I just figured since everything else is, including your plasma tech, their's should be included too.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28