QuickMagic (SE) VS Loko (BR13) 6.537M

(sigh) only 630m away from being in the top 10 :cry:

a couple months ago i noticed loko was always leaving his fleet behind a shell, i was never able to take it because of his RIP's. later on i found it split but didn't recall his times or had recorded records of him.
while coming out of V-mode and noticing lobsters fleet never around and loko's fleet down a few hundred K i checked up on him and noticed his RIP's was missing from the stack. since the rec runs would eat to much time i didn't have the time to due the hit or the 2 missing rubies for the insta JG.
a friend hooked me up with the rubies and MS's (first one was all i needed). insta build for the JG and launched my RIP's and and blind launched. he did show some activity. checking his planets and the area i assumed it was a mass probe. 47 minutes later.

Attacker Loss: 417.999.000 Defender Loss:6.119.785.500
winnings Metal:1.096.150 Crystal:497.301 Deuterium:45.821.770
Debris Metal:2.436.175.500 Crystal:1.162.501.200

i finely got what i wanted :shock: A BIG GLOTR loko

how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: QuickMagic (SE) VS Loko (BR13) 6.537M

Finally a massive hit between two equals :) i think those two were head to head if placed with all the ships in one table. the battle goes either way ....

good lookout for his patterns and find on the RIP being away. nice going all along. its a great fodder attack i suppose.

Awesome hit and agreed ista you will get your mark in the top 10 list some time. :)

GLoTr Loko u always come back strong in all cases.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: QuickMagic (SE) VS Loko (BR13) 6.537M

I was sad to see this Loko you have always been a good friend.. The reason I missed it was because Kronic..you dumb mf...(just joking) that should read 6.537Billion. The M.. made it look like a small raid.
congrats on catching loko with his fleet split.. Loko don't know what went wrong pm me when you can..

A very big GLOTR bro..