How large initial storage should be on Speed ?

Poll ended at Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:36 pm You may select 1 option

Current (100k)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 5 (9%)
Total votes: 14 (24%)
Total votes: 38 (66%)
Total votes: 58

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

It's about everything, not just inactives...

Sure the galaxies have shrunk (for about 28%) but we now have only 10 planets (or 11) which is 50% less than in xtreme.
Moreover, each player has some defense which has to be crashed with some fleet and each fleet needs deuterium to fly. Since we now have to cover more systems with one planet (328.5 in Speed, 214 in Xtreme) fleets have to travel further, and it spends even more deuterium.
If players spend most of their resources on storages they have less for building deuterium synth. Lower deuterium synth equals even less deuterium production which brings us to less raiding. Less raiding means slower progress.

I really do not get it why it is called Speed then? :snooty:
if yer gonna be stupid ya gotta be tough

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

Okay, I think someone needs a fleeter opinion because all I hear are miners that want a bunny server. Inactives with res gives the smaller players such as raiders and often your miners better raids. Looking at Extreme, Trox for example has nearly double the raids I do, and he is a miner, booboo a turtle has over 3x the raids I do, brikkon as well... Where do most the fleeters get their res? Crashing the raiders and miners! I left the speed server fast because it will be hard for normal players who do not use rubies to gain without the raid profits to throw the res into the game. If I were to play there I would just be a lazy miner because raiding is not to the extent of profits as it is in Extreme and thus encourages mines as opposed to fleets. In the case for a SPEED server, it is suppose to encourage FLEETING! How many players want to fleet on a 1x server here? How many would fleet on a 8x normally? Bing, bet you are more likely to say yes to that second one. So instead of encouraging mining, a speed server should be ALL ABOUT FLEETING. Change the specs of the uni, and have a higher ratio to df, larger starting caps for res and yes, high mining production to give a good thing for the miners as well! Just my two cents...
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

Ok. I'll just say something that most players know but don't really want to say about inactives and storage.

It is the amount of time you let pass before you want to raid the same inactive again. With more storage, you can let days go by before you will raid him again. Even if the inactive has a very low production, if enough time has passed, a raid is worth the trouble.

If the storages are expensive enough that you have to think about it, you will only be building the necessary lvl up to the necessary lvl.

There are Thugs and there are Raiders. :D

PS: I don't want to keep repeating myself and I don't want to start a pissing contest so I'll stop here. :P
Seasons end.

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

The major reason we would need to increase the storages, is if we find out that in conjuction with high costs + planet fields + terraformer, storages become a limiting factor.

We will have to get some data from a high flier and see how they correspond to each other and decide based on them.

A data sheet from an advanced planet would help.