Re: top players in the game is.....hmmm... scared of each ot

The fact that he is still not happy with protection at 100k does point something out though. Player protection should be lowered again. His comments prove that a person will not learn to fleetsave or be competitive with higher ranking players until they are pitted up against them, and usually, they have to learn the hard way. It used to be, protection at 10k, most everyone learned to FS by 15k. Now, because they aren't forced to learn, they won't until they are 10 times as strong and have 10 times more to lose. I know I had a solid month of continuous rapeage before I learned how to really avoid predators, but because noob protection was so low, I learned before I really had anything to lose. Can't really blame you for being upset lordru, but just realize, now with protection at 100k, it is the same struggle for "fresh out of protection" players that it has always been...learn to FS or die.

Re: top players in the game is.....hmmm... scared of each ot

Thatguyeric wrote:Player protection should be lowered again. His comments prove that a person will not learn to fleetsave or be competitive with higher ranking players until they are pitted up against them, and usually, they have to learn the hard way. It used to be, protection at 10k, most everyone learned to FS by 15k. Now, because they aren't forced to learn, they won't until they are 10 times as strong and have 10 times more to lose. I know I had a solid month of continuous rapeage before I learned how to really avoid predators, but because noob protection was so low, I learned before I really had anything to lose. Can't really blame you for being upset lordru, but just realize, now with protection at 100k, it is the same struggle for "fresh out of protection" players that it has always been...learn to FS or die.
I have said this before. Who is more likely to leave, a player who freshly joined a game a week ago and lost a small amount in what they would call the learning process, or a player who has been here for 5 weeks and just broke 100k only to lose half of it from a top ten fleeter nailing them? The lower player protection is, the better for the smaller players in the end IMO.

As well, no real clue on who he is, but BuggarMagee's post says about it all. Get the newbs on the forums and they can learn from the experienced players, if they don't already. Informed and involved players are less likely to leave than players sitting in a corner not talking to the rest of the playerbase. Lower protection, and involved newbs. Thats what is needed if you ask me.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: top players in the game is.....hmmm... scared of each ot

Thatguyeric wrote:The fact that he is still not happy with protection at 100k does point something out though. Player protection should be lowered again. His comments prove that a person will not learn to fleetsave or be competitive with higher ranking players until they are pitted up against them, and usually, they have to learn the hard way. It used to be, protection at 10k, most everyone learned to FS by 15k. Now, because they aren't forced to learn, they won't until they are 10 times as strong and have 10 times more to lose. I know I had a solid month of continuous rapeage before I learned how to really avoid predators, but because noob protection was so low, I learned before I really had anything to lose. Can't really blame you for being upset lordru, but just realize, now with protection at 100k, it is the same struggle for "fresh out of protection" players that it has always been...learn to FS or die.
ok,i havent been on in a few days just stopped in forums to c what was happing and read this....everything u stated in the avove was pretty much falsh....for one u went on alot about fs,well i do and i never lost my fleet...y do u ppl say learn to fs when noone crashed me?i did fs,i was not getting hit for profit...learn to fs save are die is true i agree however tell that to ppl that get/got crashed i dident,i fs well...anyway just thought id say if ur going to talk about something know what its about first,so plz dont make this a fs issue or a he got crashed issue as i never got crashed by anyone,and i fs,
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: top players in the game is.....hmmm... scared of each ot

IKICKAYOUWASSNOW wrote:You have been crashed several times.
yup and every time i rebuilt,but for this thread this topic i was not crashed i havent been crashed in xtreme in what 5-6 months it seems...idk but its been awhile,this topic has nothing to do with fs or me getting crashed as i HAVE NOT GOT CRASHED DURING THIS TOPIC OR IN A (ILL SAY A MONTH) BEFORE THIS TOPIC
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: top players in the game is.....hmmm... scared of each ot

lordru wrote:
IKICKAYOUWASSNOW wrote:You have been crashed several times.
yup and every time i rebuilt,but for this thread this topic i was not crashed i havent been crashed in xtreme in what 5-6 months it seems...idk but its been awhile,this topic has nothing to do with fs or me getting crashed as i HAVE NOT GOT CRASHED DURING THIS TOPIC OR IN A (ILL SAY A MONTH) BEFORE THIS TOPIC

So, if you are not being hit, then why even start this post? If its a friend of your being hit, help him learn the game if you can. If you are being hit, but they are not crashing your fleet, they are losing profit and will eventually stop attacking you without a tremendous amount of preparation first. This is a "war" game afterall. If you came here expecting tele-tubbies and care-bears...maybe this isnt the style of game for you. After this...I think i'll start hunting as well. Low in points now, but watch your bottom as well.