Re: Universal Federation Now recruiting

drMillenium wrote:yeah, but who it was i dunno. no one has contacted me or anything in more than 24 hours. how are you spposed to play with other players when no one is communicating?
Join a more active universe. ;)
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Universal Federation Now recruiting

While I have no desire within threads to go 'gravedigging', there is important news to note regarding this alliance:

This alliance has a new Admiral elected. His name is Nuada, Nuada the Silver Hand --

Nuada, his Ard Rí's silver hand at the reigns, had been weeks stalking his prey, preparing himself and his empire for the terrible and explosive moment of the ride of the Dullahan. The bean sídhe wailed a caoineadh as the cu sídhe howled, and then as if from all quarters and yet none might one spy beyond the cu sídhe's glowing charcoal eyes illuminating their green sheen a headless horseman holding a ghastly skull, eyesockets crawling with worms as it laughed maniacally.

The Tuatha Dé Danann have from beyond Tir na nOg returned, the daoine sídhe, the aos sí, beings of myth no more, riding their furious fiery chariots in the sky to set forth from the pit of Din Scaith with serpents the legendary smoke, the mist of faeth fiadha.The Dullahan cracked a whip clearly made of someone's spine, the chariot he rode was made of bones, and then at last when the moment was right he named his opponent and the haunting caoineadh sounded.

Tiocfaidh ár lá.

We continue to recruit!
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: Universal Federation Now recruiting

Ignore the beatnik poet in the corner. He saw something on the wing, mocks Sarah Palin in Twitter verse, cheated on the Kobayashi Maru, and babbles in Esperanto. :D

The Universal Federation continues to recruit. We have an open door policy, admitting nearly all comers. We have no prior qualification to join, and we have no cap on membership. Those inactive after 30 days are marked inactive, and those inactive after 60 days are kicked.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: Universal Federation Now recruiting

The Universal Federation continues to recruit. We have an open door policy, admitting nearly all comers. We have no prior qualification to join, and we have no cap on membership. Those inactive after 15 days are marked inactive, and those inactive after 30 days are kicked.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.