fretboardfreak (AoD) VS Christie_anna (BR13)

Attacker: fretboardfreak
Defender: Christie_anna

~~~~~ Results ~~~~~

Thu 24 Feb 2011, 01:15:52 Control Tower Attack Report

Attacker Loss: 11.105.000 Defender Loss:11.678.500
winnings Metal:9.397.265 Crystal:4.176.563 Deuterium:4.176.563
Debris Metal:3.183.000 Crystal:3.975.000

Admittedly, its a fair loss for me in fleet losses but I recovered around 10M metal equivalent in debris too. I attempted this hit for posterity. I'm growing my points fast, this won't be my last hit.
P.S. I apologize for my post infraction. I hope this fixes it up.
Last edited by fretboardfreak on Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: fretboardfreak (146th) VS Christie_anna (36th)

No offense, but this Combat Report severely needs to be edited. First of all, the title needs to be the person with alliance tag after vs. the person with the alliance tag after. Second, no coordinates can be used in the forums. Third, don't put the combat report url in, as that violates the privacy of you and your victim by revealing fleet size and tech levels. Nice hit, kinda, and can you please make these changes.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: fretboardfreak (146th) VS Christie_anna (36th)

pupairo12 wrote:No offense, but this Combat Report severely needs to be edited.
Agree with Pupairo... you need to read the instructions on how to post a combat report.

Sorry to see Christie_anna hit but that is the game. Good luck rebuilding Christie.

Not to take away from your victory, but you lost almost as much as Christie:
Attacker Loss: 11.105.000 Defender Loss:11.678.500
Maybe with some planning and some ACS attack options you could have gotten a no-loss victory. Better luck next time Fret. ;)