I'm creepin' in yo' windows

Hey, I'm new here. I'm a softcore (is that a word?) gamer trying this one out. My in-game name is razzle (<3 the zzle's). Was not sure which universe to pick so I went with X-Treme. Good choice or should I switch?
❦: I think this is supposed to be a pepper, in which case, it would be appropriate for my signature. If, however, it is discovered not to be a pepper, it will promptly be removed and anyone who refers to it will be deemed a conspiracist.

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

It seems to be rather hard to navigate the game without lag, but the forum is fine. I'm using google chrome. Is there a better browser to use for it?
❦: I think this is supposed to be a pepper, in which case, it would be appropriate for my signature. If, however, it is discovered not to be a pepper, it will promptly be removed and anyone who refers to it will be deemed a conspiracist.

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

I use IE and have no issues with X-treme so it could be any of number of things as to why just X-treme doesn't work for you...
Gaming wise if you know you're a soft core gamer you should not stick with X-treme too many ranks already overhead,though if this is you're first time keep going with it as far as you can,if you really can't make it try a less competitive uni[i.e. zorg speed or standard preferably the latter]
Consider this zorg was my very first mmo and look where I am now.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

Welcome to the forums, Sizzle/Razzle. I'll say that Xtreme is my favorite uni, but I was there before the other two were launched lol. As for lag, it runs fine for me. Hopefully it gets better over time
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

Welcome to the game dude, I think you made an excellent choice with Xtreme, definitely the easiest universe to start and progress in and the higher player protection cap makes it great to learn the ropes.

As for browsers, I don't think it is an issue with those but more with the game itself. There are been slow and timeout periods randomly scattered around for minutes at a time over the last few days and we have no idea why.

That being said though, for some reason Xtreme runs fastest in Chrome for me and yet Speed runs fastest in Firefox. Let's not question randomness eh?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

I dont know, Higher cap that high I think is kinda dumb now....too high, maybe 50k. Thats another dumb IB idea to show that they really care as they pop all your moons, really lol we just tryin to make it fair, look at all the ideas :lol: anything that makes the game truly balanced they wont bring out just make more risk to moon popping, at least that the 1 % is destroyed, not any option of returning in disgrace, they will say oh it high risk, if that was true, they would not send out rips as they do, I call BS

1 warning for flaming ~KM
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: I'm creepin' in yo' windows

Welcome to the game!

There has been a small issue we fixed, but this was in Speed. All universes are located in same area therefore should be all the same. I personally use Chrome and I find it the fastest everywhere. If you had any lag, I am sure it was just a rare random issue, universes are designed to hold up around 400 players online (hopefully) and run with zero problems at 200 online which is our average high peak per universe.

Nonetheless, if you ever experience any problems again, we are here to fix it :P

Welcome and good luck in setting up your empire :)