Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Lord_of_War wrote:Wow that defiantly was not a profitable hit. Maybe you did something to the person attacking you to make them retaliate like that?

LOL, considering my Raid count is under 160
i dont cross many people here, if any at all.

i jsut assumed that one of his allilance members that scanned me, got upset coz i scanned him back and they are trying to find where my fleet is.

IDC really, its just funny to see an alliance a guy ranked like that guy att a small planet of mine with 0 res, 1 large shield to boost his morale lol.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Lord_of_War wrote:Well its not going to hurt anyones feeling here if you guys post the names and alliances your talking about instead of assuming everyone knows who your talking about.
i have a feeling it would.. i mean not the guy that attacked me, but the guy i initially probed after he probed me was acting like a douche in PM.

after he probed me, i probed him back and he sends me this msg

"if you dont want me to come out and play, keep your fleets at home"

i replied back

"didnt you probe me first?"

this reply showed me much of how his alliance works/acts

"Clarification of MSG: "no matter WHAT i do, keep your fleets at home if you dont want me to play"

I really LOL at that.. he is prolly the guy that falls into the "i need zorg to compensate for my lack of superiority in life" category.

i msgd him "sure man whatever you say :), its not like i can stop you right? :)"

and scanned his main planet.. lol.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

crippler4hm wrote:
Lord_of_War wrote:Well its not going to hurt anyones feeling here if you guys post the names and alliances your talking about instead of assuming everyone knows who your talking about.
i have a feeling it would.. i mean not the guy that attacked me, but the guy i initially probed after he probed me was acting like a douche in PM.

after he probed me, i probed him back and he sends me this msg

"if you dont want me to come out and play, keep your fleets at home"

i replied back

"didnt you probe me first?"

this reply showed me much of how his alliance works/acts

"Clarification of MSG: "no matter WHAT i do, keep your fleets at home if you dont want me to play"

I really LOL at that.. he is prolly the guy that falls into the "i need zorg to compensate for my lack of superiority in life" category.

i msgd him "sure man whatever you say :), its not like i can stop you right? :)"

and scanned his main planet.. lol.
that wasnt the templar was it. it sounds like something he would say lol

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

that wasnt the templar was it. it sounds like something he would say lol
curtis, I don't recall PMing you at all before I destroyed your fleet.
You, on the other hand, flooded me with PMs crying for your lost fleet.
Besides, that is the reason why I posted my hit against you.
Get on with the rebuild instead of whining all over the forums.
Your alliance needs you.
Destroy it and in three days I will rebuild it

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

The_Templar wrote:
that wasnt the templar was it. it sounds like something he would say lol
curtis, I don't recall PMing you at all before I destroyed your fleet.
You, on the other hand, flooded me with PMs crying for your lost fleet.
Besides, that is the reason why I posted my hit against you.
Get on with the rebuild instead of whining all over the forums.
Your alliance needs you.
im just talking about the cockyness in it lol

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

The_Templar wrote:
that wasnt the templar was it. it sounds like something he would say lol
curtis, I don't recall PMing you at all before I destroyed your fleet.
You, on the other hand, flooded me with PMs crying for your lost fleet.
Besides, that is the reason why I posted my hit against you.
Get on with the rebuild instead of whining all over the forums.
Your alliance needs you.
Actually, I was under the impression that you posted it because you wanted attention. I mean, Curtis didn't even have an account before that, so it wasn't to rub it in his face, obviously. I think you wanted people to be afraid because you know how to send a fleet at someone. Go figure.
crippler4hm wrote: i have a feeling it would.. i mean not the guy that attacked me, but the guy i initially probed after he probed me was acting like a douche in PM.

after he probed me, i probed him back and he sends me this msg

"if you dont want me to come out and play, keep your fleets at home"

i replied back

"didnt you probe me first?"

this reply showed me much of how his alliance works/acts

"Clarification of MSG: "no matter WHAT i do, keep your fleets at home if you dont want me to play"

I really LOL at that.. he is prolly the guy that falls into the "i need zorg to compensate for my lack of superiority in life" category.

i msgd him "sure man whatever you say :), its not like i can stop you right? :)"

and scanned his main planet.. lol.
LAWL. I had something like that happen to me a while back, I was just goin through my normal routine and scanned a guy a few systems over and decided it wasn't worth it, and deleted the probe report. Few minutes later he starts trying to threaten me because I probed him, with a message somewhere along the lines of "Probing me will cause you problems." I sent him a message back telling him I was right around the corner whenever he wanted me. He told me "I'll be seeing you." and I didn't hear anything from him for a couple weeks. I don't know what he has been doing during that time, but apparently nothing productive. He recently sent about 6 waves of 20 BS to me, and I just let my defenses (Which were way more than he could have taken out, even if he had sent all his ships in one wave) eat his ships, and then go the DF. It is what funded my last Nanite, lol.

"I really LOL at that.. he is prolly the guy that falls into the "i need zorg to compensate for my lack of superiority in life" category." I agree wholeheartedly. Some people just try to be badasses because of the anonymity of the Internet. Sadly though, some people fall for it and it just fuels their egos.

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

lol... all talk and no walk. you guys should like nuke the_templar's defenses and destroy his moons that would teach him a lesson. your alliance has a lot of members i am sure you can organize it. if he has no moons and weak defenses i am sure someone might erase his fleet
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Overhunting. Overkill.

Sadbutrue wrote:lol... all talk and no walk. you guys should like nuke the_templar's defenses and destroy his moons that would teach him a lesson. your alliance has a lot of members i am sure you can organize it. if he has no moons and weak defenses i am sure someone might erase his fleet
Weren't you hunting him a while? :shock: