Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Maul64 is correct!

Epic resurrection..

Score Table:

Cypher: 3
Pupairo12: 2
Kick: 2
Spy: 2
Weresloth: 1
KarrothMelu: 1
Scoobysnack: 1
Corbeil: 1
Malebolgia: 1
Andrew: 1
Maul: 1

Riddle number 18:

Jim was making apple pies to send to his friends. He has 100 pies and 5 boxes to put them in.

Box #1 and Box #2 together contain 52 Pies.
Box #2 and Box #3 together contain 43 Pies.
Box #3 and Box #4 together contain 34 Pies.
Box #4 and Box #5 together contain 30 Pies.

How many Pies are there in each box?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

System of equations. A,B,C,D,E represent each box.


Solve for 'd' in the last one, plug it in for 'd' in the second to last one, do the same with 'c', etc, until you have every variable in terms of 'e'. Then plug all those into the very first one and solve for 'e'. Once you have that, plug in 'e' into all your other equations you found. Voilà.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

KarrothMelu is correct!

Score Table:

Cypher: 3
Pupairo12: 2
Kick: 2
Spy: 2
KarrothMelu: 2
Weresloth: 1
Scoobysnack: 1
Corbeil: 1
Malebolgia: 1
Andrew: 1
Maul: 1

Riddle number 19:

John, Paul, George, and Ringo all enter a race, but there is nobody at the finish line to judge the ending. When the judge finally shows up to award the prize for coming in first, these are the statements the four of them make:

John: I was neither first nor last.
Paul: I did not finish last.
George: I won the race!
Ringo: I came in last.

The judge starts to hand George the prize, when Yoko, who was watching the race, says, "Exactly one of these four is lying."

To whom should the judge grant the prize and why?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

John: I was neither first nor last.
Paul: I did not finish last.
George: I won the race!
Ringo: I came in last.

If john is lying then:
J: 1,4
P: 1,2,3
R: 4

cannot occur as two people will either come 1, 4

If P is lying then:
J: 2,3
P: 4
R: 4

cannot occur as either 2 or 3 will not be filled

If G is lying then:
J: 2,3
P: 1,2,3
R: 4

can occur

If R is lying then:
J: 2,3
P: 1,2,3
R: 1,2,3

cannot occur as noone can be last


J: 2,3
P: 1,2,3
R: 4

so Paul wins the race :D as he is the only one possible to be in 1st position.

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points