Re: Noob protection and moon destroys

I agree with both ideas listed by RJ: moon destruction limit and new point cap for protection.

Starting over again sounds great to me, as I'm sure I'm at fault for something and deeply apologize. I'd like to put our differences aside and it's great to see that we're on the same page. :)
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Noob protection and moon destroys

I actually disagree on the player protection. I once played a different game that had a very similar ranking issue with fleets in the air (not sure if it was intentional or a bug). Difference was they had a 5 or 6x protection on ALL players regardless of points. If my fleet had just landed there, I could not probe people i wanted to because they were rated TOO strong til the next 30 min update. A low player protection is a good thing. When I got to 30k points in x I got raped by klizac almost knocking me back into protection. I learned from it as it was not that big of a loss at the start. Increasing protection will not help IMO as it will just lead players up for a big fall once they hit 100k anyways. IMO, people taking one big hit are FAR more likely to quit than people occasionally losing a couple hundred BS and some cargoes.

The MD rule idea, love it. Something like 4x per player for MDs. Will help remove random pops and make MDs have to be specific.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Noob protection and moon destroys

Here comes the party crasher. :twisted:
Some things I observed:

In extreme, some never have any interaction with any active player until they pass 10k and get crashed. Raiding the inactives is far more easier and profitable than attacking the neighbor active player.
A lot of people quit after they get passed the 10k mark and get crashed for the first time by someone with 100k points.
Someone once had 130k fleet points and less than 10k buildings+research+defense. Ask PK his highest fleet/building ratio.
Out of dozens who register in a day, only a handful tries to play. Less people continue playing. And their progress varies greatly. If you had 7k points, it would be hard to find an active player you can attack that is on your range.
Some 10k point noob will still be a 100k point noob.

There was a proposal before of 2 lvls of protection. Like 0-10k points then 10k-100k points.

IMHO changing the player protection won't really change anything significantly but it may help.
Players just need to understand that getting crashed is a part of the game. Fleet saving too.

With the moon destroy missions:
Most players without 250 rubies forget that moons are only temporary.
Most players have less than 6 moons that they can use for FSing.
If the issue is to make harder the searching for fleet, a safe way to FS would be a better suggestion. (Let recalled deploy missions become invisible to the lanx)
Seasons end.

Re: [Implemented] Noob protection and moon destroys

Implemented only in X-TREME.

-4 successfull Moon Destroys per 24 hours
-Maximum 4 ongoing Moon Destroy missions on air (returning md missions do not count)
-Maximum 4 of combined successful md missions past 24hours + ongoing md missions


Protection moved to 100k. We issued some fixes to this but still there may be other smaller issues. Use bug thread to report.

For such bugs, no reimbursments will be given however the players who utilize any bugs within the rule, will be opposed as bug abusers. You must report anything not going well.


Our top priority nowadays is how to incorporate the tons of new players we get every day, into the game and make them stable players. Any idea or suggestion towards this, widely accepted like this one, will be implemented in short time.

Re: [Implemented] Noob protection and moon destroys

I am curious, is this MD limitation a hard coded restriction? Or is it like bashing whereas the player must take it into their own hands to ensure they are not breaking the rules?

If the latter I suggest some sort of in game notification of the changes to prevent confusion with players not visiting the forum.

Kudos on the fast action, though if I'm honest looking at it more closely it only takes an alliance of 5-6 people to work together and it is back to all moons down in one day (not trying to be a buzzkill or anything, just observing something I hadn't realised before)

As a possible improvement, you could actually create a script that stops people launching MD missions on a player who has already had 4 moons successfully destroyed on that day (not counting manual 'abandon' destructions).
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: [Implemented] Noob protection and moon destroys

Istalris wrote:I am curious, is this MD limitation a hard coded restriction? Or is it like bashing whereas the player must take it into their own hands to ensure they are not breaking the rules?

Istalris wrote: If the latter I suggest some sort of in game notification of the changes to prevent confusion with players not visiting the forum.
For MD, the code will them know. For newbie, let the newbies believe it is 10k for time being.
Istalris wrote: As a possible improvement, you could actually create a script that stops people launching MD missions on a player who has already had 4 moons successfully destroyed on that day (not counting manual 'abandon' destructions).
We could, allow us 12hours to discuss and implement.

Re: [Implemented] Noob protection and moon destroys

while the acsing a noob is a different story. i have had people under 10k ask me to acs them because they had an incoming attack or a lanx hit going at them. to bad none of them had an acs depot but still.
chances are i crashed them a couple weeks later but thats aside from the fact that some noobs do try to get help when being attacked instead of just crying that some one is hitting them. the wildlive and myrsee is a good example of that
how i'm still around.... no one knows...