Split Second: Mission order decision

You have sure seen one of our latest developments ?
Split Second allows you to control missions that fall into the same second.

The feature is great and completely disarms any lag that the server may experience. However, it is not yet perfect as the dev team has not invested considerable time into the thinking of the row it must be followed.

This is something the community should chew over and decide. We will follow with the implementation of final decision.

What we need,is for players to sit and think which should be the order for missions that fall into the same second. It is indeed a very crucial decision as it affects ninjas, defenses, moon destroy missions and a lot more.

Here is current info:
Priority List Table for Missions that fall into the same second:
1.Returning ACS Defend missions first (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
2.Returning Missions (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
3.Engaging Missions (An engagin mission is the mission that hits its target at this second - if more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served )
4.Expedition Missions (Although of no importance, we included this here for a complete list)

We need to adjust/enrich this list in the best way. The sheer number of veterans the game has, can help into deciding the best formula.

We propose the following structured way to end up into a decision:
*Always comment based on the poster above you. Edit/Add/Remove based on the list the one above you proposed. If it is exceptionally different, try to reason your completely different opinion.

Ultimately, we will hopefully end up with 2-3 final proposals and the dev team will pick up the best. If you end up with one, we will just use this one.

Re: Split Second: Mission order decision

As per neoshagrath, where do recycle missions stand now?

Going off Cypher's post in the announcements section it is classed as an engaging mission at the moment.

My suggestion for a priority list table:

1.Returning ACS Defend missions first (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)

2.Returning Missions (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)

3.Engaging Missions (An engaging mission is the mission that hits its target at this second - if more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served )
-3.1 Transport missions
-3.2 ACS Defend missions
-3.3 Attack missions
-3.4 Moon destroy missions

4. Recycle missions (Giving the recycle mission it's own section since it is a unique mission)

5.Expedition Missions (Although of no importance, we included this here for a complete list)
"Turtling in a speed universe is like spreading air on toast" Istalris 2010

Re: Split Second: Mission order decision


Then I'll have

1.Returning ACS Defend missions first (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
2.Returning Missions (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served except recycle missions and returning recycle missions.)
3.Engaging Missions (An engagin mission is the mission that hits its target at this second - if more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served )
4th. Recycle missions (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
5th. Returning recycle missions. (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, last served)
4.Expedition Missions (Although of no importance, we included this here for a complete list)
Seasons end.