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The moon vs death star an IPMs questions.

ok, first can a moons be IPMed?

Second, When a death star attacks a moon to kill it dose it have to go through the defense first?
Like kill the 100 rocket launchers on it then uses the graviton to destroy it?

Third, what are the chances to kill a moon with a death star? Does sending more decrease the chance to have the death implode killing the fleet? Is their any way to increase the chance that a moon will kill a death star like more fleet or size or defense/buildings on it?

I am thankful for any advice.

Re: The moon vs death star an IPMs questions.

You can't IPM a moon.

My personal opinion is that defense on a moon is a stupid waste of building slots. But I doubt you can build enough to keep a DS from taking a shot at your moon.

There is no guarantee that any DS is going to kill a moon- whether singly or in a combined attack. One has just as good a chance as the other. Currently, DS's are biting the big one in attacks against moons.

Re: The moon vs death star an IPMs questions.

Yes, a DeathStar has to destroy the moon's defenses and any defending fleet before it is allowed to attempt to destroy the moon.

So the best moon defense is 2 DeathStars.
... and then the best moon destruction mission is 3 DeathStars.
... so the best moon defense is 4 DeathStars.
... and then the best moon destruction mission is 5 Deathstars....