Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Apologies for the slack, Pupairo12 is correct! Though I smell cheating. :P

Score Table:

Cypher: 3
Pupairo12: 2
Weresloth: 1
Spy: 1
KarrothMelu: 1
Love2scoobysnack: 1
Kick: 1
Corbeil: 1

Riddle number 12:

A teacher was having trouble getting her students to learn their facts, but she noticed that her students often played the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors". She made a game with similar rules in order to encourage the students to learn their facts.

The class would be divided into three teams: Rock, Paper and Scissors. The teacher would ask the students a question and the class would raise their hands if they knew the answer. If the first person to answer the question correctly is in the Rock team, he or she would choose one player from the Scissors team to be eliminated. Similarly, if a player from the Scissors team was first to answer the question, then he or she would eliminate a member from the Paper team. Lastly, if a player from the Paper team was first to answer correctly, he or she would eliminate a member from the Rock team.

The teacher would then continue asking questions until only one team still has members. That team would be declared the winner and all its members would win a small chocolate.

However, as soon as she explained the rules to the class, one particularly smart student immediately found a large flaw that made the game unplayable. Can you do the same?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

Malebolgia is correct!

Score Table:

Cypher: 3
Pupairo12: 2
Weresloth: 1
Spy: 1
KarrothMelu: 1
Love2scoobysnack: 1
Kick: 1
Corbeil: 1
Malebolgia: 1

Riddle number 13:

A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Games: Solve the riddle

But what happens if dark never comes O.o

If the planet that the man is on rotates, at a frequency equal to the orbital period around the sun... :geek:

He would be utterly screwed as it would be daytime constantly :lol:

And can never escape... :(

Unless he tricks the dragon into going in the magnifying room and he leaves via the other exit :D

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points