Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

Looking at the % it figures that there are only about 16% of players in this game that are true fleeters the rest are miners/turtles.. and we will always loose on a straight pure numbers the fleeters will never win on this.. Funny seeing as this game was designed to have players build fleets.. You will never get fleeters from other games here while this VM style is in-force it goes against the idea of this type of game..LMAO

The numbers speak for them selves..7 for 36 against 4 don't care.. so only 45 players bothered to vote so far that's a joke people..
Last edited by Gozar on Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Vm while active

Gozar2 wrote:Looking at the % it figures that there are only about 16% of players in this game that are true fleeters the rest are miners/turtles.. and we will always loose on a straight pure numbers the fleeters will never win on this.. Funny seeing as this game was designed to have players build fleets.. You will never get fleeters from other games here while this VM style is inforce it goes against the idea of this type of game..LMAO
FYI I am a miner and I voted for no Vmode while a fleet is out.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

love2scoobysnack wrote:
Gozar2 wrote:Looking at the % it figures that there are only about 16% of players in this game that are true fleeters the rest are miners/turtles.. and we will always loose on a straight pure numbers the fleeters will never win on this.. Funny seeing as this game was designed to have players build fleets.. You will never get fleeters from other games here while this VM style is in force it goes against the idea of this type of game..LMAO
FYI I am a miner and I voted for no Vmode while a fleet is out.

Thats good of you spoken like a true fleeter, may be in the future you will try fleeting..?

btw I posted before I had finished it so have since but the numbers do say it all..

Re: Vm while active

80% of people are voting for switching it back. Even if 80% of people were voting to make the background pink, lets be honest, in a game you have to go with what the players want so long as it is economically viable. This costs nothing and people want it, hence the vote. What is the purpose in having a vote if the wishes of the playerbase are not acted upon?
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Vm while active

Silence wrote: I do have a life, and would like to v mode anytime! If I do get a crash.....I dont want to crash a player that couldnt vmode and had to leave in emergency! I want my crashes to be legit, I did it with SKILL!

Id have to agree with Silence on this, Id want all my crashes on those not to be that they had to leave and couldnt vmode. Gozar, Fleeter % will always be much smaller no matter what, as the majority has a life to have to be online every time when fleet lands. Those that had a chance , wont fleet now, why would they, specially the majority that works. Myself I work as a firefighter in the summers and could have to run out the door to be gone for weeks or even a month at a time out of internet range, so as example, I crashed my 1 mill point fleet away I was building to give you a run for, BTW it was all rips, Planed to mass in RIPs for months to bait you in for a crash lulz, but its not worth it if you can just get it so easy now if I had to leave for a fire etc so I have no reason to fleet. Talk about small fleet % all you want, prob smaller due to how it is now

Re: Vm while active

Gozar was correct in his statement.

This vote was pointless because its just non fleeters voting against Fleeters.

One of the reasons this was put in force was because moons went down to 99% chance of destruction and moon size was made bigger.

If this changes then Moons will have to go back upto 100% to balance it out. I would be happy with this.

Re: Vm while active

i am not flaming but moon size and moon destruction is not at all relevant to this topic. vmode is completely a player activity related issue it do not involve how big a moon a player has or how big an atteckers RIP fleet is. even with half the moon destro capability say for 50% the chances are still there that the attacker may be able to pop the moon.

and regarding about the validity of this pole well poles are ment to ask for what ppl think. i believe we all care about what others think. hence we are in a forum.

still thing zorg should get admins and programmers out of their cave and put them in the activity line cause its not fair that they force players to play but they take vacations when their moon is getting tested :lol:

it has been discussed and said that the current solution was a temporary solution to the problem as much work to be needed to make it better.

so asking the admin or zorg is there any chance of a feed back from you lot any time soon on this topic?

cause this back and forth on the forum about who is right who is wrong how it is meant to be played and all the different justifications are getting us no where.

PS: i believe all sides have posted their concern on this one... so lets be patient on zorgs reply. or just bump it when ever u feel that they have forgotten about us.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.