Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

Gale wrote:I completely agree with this idea.... but the problem is then how does one start an alliance? All leaders are alone in the beginning and a time cap wouldn't be fair at all if they're honestly trying to recruit.
Gale, I guess they would have to line up an agreement with other players through PM's in order to have someone to recruit. This poses a problem though. The alliance name would have to be given to other players before it was created and you would have to have a reliable line of players to join your alliance first. Some players do research on alliances instead of jumping right in. This would mean that players would have to prepare everything for their alliance before it is created and then add it on right away for the researchers to want to join them.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

snave0110 wrote:Don't agree. Thats a hardwork of a single player you must respect and they deserve to acknowledge by the community
They are acknowledged on the individual Rankings Snave. There is no need to have a one man alliance its just pointless... I just want them out the rankings thats all

Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

pupairo12 wrote:Then again, several of the one man alliances are trying to recruit people. Just browse through the recruitment pages to see what I mean. Alliances with recruitment pages should be allowed to stay.
Yes and you recruit on the forums, but untill it hits 2 people then it should not be shown on the rankings.

Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

love2scoobysnack wrote:I don't like the idea of having to get a charter. I do however think that an alliance should have more than 1 person in it. The solution that I like best is to give 1 man alliances 3 days to acquire another member. After three days the alliance will automatically be dissolved if it does not have more than one member. To prevent people from creating an alliance again as soon as theirs is dissolved a cap on how frequently an individual can start an alliance would fix that problem, I suggest no more than one/week and 2/month.
It's a good system scoobysnack, but what about 5 days or something like that?
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28