Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

TheLegendFishpond wrote:I dont care what the majority think.

Everyone just wants it too easy. Its fine the way it is and im glad it still hasnt changed.
Of course you don't care, and we don't care either if you agree or not.

Eassy way ? You hide in V mode while you are out of 4horseman ? :P
And you comeback when you are in IB, cause its eassy for you.
You hide behind so call as a"Team Player". As individual player who You are ? You call your self a legend ? Muntaka, SoC, SBT, Slash, Zook, Gumppy are the legend. And you haven't prove anything as a single player. You. Lets have pol who you are and see who is the legend and see if you deserve it or not :lol:

1 warning, flaming. Keep this to the UoH please. ~ Istalris

Re: Vm while active

Kinda Hard to get some pull, even with the majority I see lulz And to think I just bought some rubies on a game that the pull of the majority doesnt mean sheet. Dont spend money on this game with current v mode structure, let ZE survive from the ideas of the few ruby buyers with ideas like this lulz The majority can make ourselves heard with no more rubies. I will not spend a penny on this game how it is. I do have a life, and would like to v mode anytime! If I do get a crash.....I dont want to crash a player that couldnt vmode and had to leave in emergency! I want my crashes to be legit, I did it with SKILL! And I do care! I care that less fleets will fly how it is now. Last poll was closer, now that players see the impact of it, its a landslide this time in this Poll..... CHANGE IT BACK! Can we get Please get Zorg to bring his input please, Not a dam mod issue-ing stupid warnings, this is a legit topic that needs to be re-thinked. People have lives, let them have the freedom to vmode If your goal is to keep the minority happy, then so be it
Last edited by Wallmart on Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: Vm while active

snave0110 wrote:
TheLegendFishpond wrote:I dont care what the majority think.

Everyone just wants it too easy. Its fine the way it is and im glad it still hasnt changed.
Of course you don't care, and we don't care either if you agree or not.

Eassy way ? You hide in V mode while you are out of 4horseman ? :P
And you comeback when you are in IB, cause its eassy for you.
You hide behind so call as a"Team Player". As individual player who You are ? You call your self a legend ? Muntaka, SoC, SBT, Slash, Zook, Gumppy are the legend. And you haven't prove anything as a single player. You. Lets have pol who you are and see who is the legend and see if you deserve it or not :lol:

1 warning, flaming. Keep this to the UoH please. ~ Istalris

Prob True, did notice all that werent invited hide in v mode, cant deny that! wait its flaming bringing up facts lulz no wonder forum has been killed off to fewer members that use it

1 warning, clear disregard for various rules. Perhaps your week long ban will give you time to actually read them and realise we are doing our job, you can either abide by the rules or stay away from the boards. ~ Istalris
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: Vm while active

KarrothMelu wrote:
Lastly, I will repost my idea so people won't have to go treading through old posts to find it...
KarrothMelu wrote:- Production freezes in all aspects (research, ships, defense, buildings)
- You are able to choose the VM option at ANY time
- If you have a fleet in the air at the time you press the button, your account will not actually be in VM until the fleet lands back on your planet/moon

If you're on FS or raiding or whatever, odds are your fleet will be safe anyway UNLESS you get lanxed, which is the reason fleeters wanted the exploit fixed in the first place.

Also keep in mind that attacks launched will still follow through even if the target enters VM while the fleet is in the air.
I'm not saying this is the perfect solution, but I do believe it's the best one we've got so far. And like I said, I'm open to feedback/comments etc. as long as we keep it civil and constructive.
Zorg wrote:Karroth's idea is good and we have not implemented it yet due to development time reasons. It is in a priority list.
So everyone can relax and take a valium because they are going to fix it.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

Yup it seems the best but your fleet stll vulnerable. Let see this, I just sent my fleet to FS for 12 hours, suddenly I got a phone call, got duty to go to remote island where no connections at all even phone connection are limited. I hit the VM and its not actually enter VM, and anemies still can blow my moon and lanx my fleet.
I come from a development country where internet connection are luxurious. My job demand me traveling a lot to remote island where no.civilatation and I don't have schedule, urgent call can come anytime.
In the past I used to enter VM while my fleet in the air when I got an urgent call without worried so much cause no one can't attack me.
With this new Idea, I can't be safe, so why should playing it if I can't be safe ?
I believe a lot of players have a same situation like me, we are big universe. So people must see everything from every angle.

Re: Vm while active

snave0110 wrote:Yup it seems the best but your fleet stll vulnerable. Let see this, I just sent my fleet to FS for 12 hours, suddenly I got a phone call, got duty to go to remote island where no connections at all even phone connection are limited. I hit the VM and its not actually enter VM, and anemies still can blow my moon and lanx my fleet.
I come from a development country where internet connection are luxurious. My job demand me traveling a lot to remote island where no.civilatation and I don't have schedule, urgent call can come anytime.
In the past I used to enter VM while my fleet in the air when I got an urgent call without worried so much cause no one can't attack me.
With this new Idea, I can't be safe, so why should playing it if I can't be safe ?
I believe a lot of players have a same situation like me, we are big universe. So people must see everything from every angle.
if you had read and understood what Karroth said then you would understand that your arguments would not affect being able to go into Vmode.

Now if your comments were about how it currently is then yes it ***** but it is not permanent.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

"Not actually enter VM until your fleet return to your planet or moon = attackable = moon destroy mission = lanxable after moon gone = fleet gone"
Karroth idea never say while you are not actually in VM its safe from attack. It only freeze the production.
For me the right one is you can't enter VM if :
1. When Enemy launch MD on the right moon which have fleet activity.
2. You can enter VM after your fleet land on that moon.
In normal circumtancies u can enter VM anytime.
Last edited by snave0110 on Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Vm while active

Snave, the situation you describe would happen regardless of if you had to go for an emergency, it is not relevant to Karroth's suggestion. Which, by the way, is the best possible result we can hope for if both sides are to be satisfied.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Vm while active

Yes Ista. And I see why fleeter complaining about :
- MD mission sent, target immidiately hit VM, the moon still gone but fleet safe.
My opinion this is the only thing we must fix.
Other than that not the issue.
we just need to prevent action entering VM in between MD until the target fleet land completely

Re: Vm while active

Silence wrote:
TheLegendFishpond wrote:I dont care what the majority think.

Everyone just wants it too easy. Its fine the way it is and im glad it still hasnt changed.

If you think about it, really it makes it too easy for the hunter to find fleets, takes alot of skill away, in reality its the few that wants it too easy. How about this then Fish, hit vmode and fleets just re route into your planets , how easy you want it lol I for one do not want to get a crash due to a player that had to leave and couldnt v mode, I want to know I got this fleet legit and with real skill. I want to see more fleets out there to crash, I hate to see a feature deter more fleets from flying. I too have been dodged through vmode, but I ended up getting them as soon as they came back within the two days they couldnt vmode:)
Its not about making it easier for Fleeters, Its to stop people abusing the VM button.

I think this post was silly to turn in to a poll