Happy new year 2011

Well another year gone in playing this wonderful game. Its been really eventful and interesting. Loads of new faces and many new friends i have made and sure you all did the same. Looking back the year I see a game which grown much bigger than it was back one year.

I hope the new year going to present itself with the same kind of excitement.

I wish all of you ze folks an awesome new years eve and wish you have a more productive and wonderful life in game and else where as well. will take time to reflect back and say thanks to the people i have came across over this period in any cases in game chat over here in forum that it was an experience all together.

Have a blasting night and see you all in the flip side with new promises and resolutions.

my new years resolution is I will make life happier with family friends and loved one.
PS: you may add ur new years resolution along ur greetings.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.