Re: Alliance Backstabber...

Wow, SD, you act like you were part of any decision being made at the time. Well, you sort of were but not in a nice way. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And kicking ourselves for not merging??? You've got to be joking. You guys are going to die from your own weight. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

part of any decision.. thats polotics right there and i just dont do that. :D

we do get asked about stuff but i always go with the flow, im more a soildier than a diplo, well more like a pirate out for the bootie..:twisted:

like i said and explained, we all know about the talks, its OLD news and things have changed more than a little bit sinse then, dont think i was even close to the top 20 at the time, (yes guys its that long ago that he's talking about) for one thing i passed the lot of you. :lol:

you do have a couple of good guys in RAWK though i will say, in my opinion though Slash you aint one of them.. :lol:

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

SirDuction wrote:part of any decision.. thats polotics right there and i just dont do that. :D

we do get asked about stuff but i always go with the flow, im more a soildier than a diplo, well more like a pirate out for the bootie..:twisted:

like i said and explained, we all know about the talks, its OLD news and things have changed more than a little bit sinse then, dont think i was even close to the top 20 at the time, (yes guys its that long ago that he's talking about) for one thing i passed the lot of you. :lol:

you do have a couple of good guys in RAWK though i will say, in my opinion though Slash you aint one of them.. :lol:
rofles. How does it feel to have your own alliance leader think the same of you? And you were in the Top 20 at the time. Like you said, you don't pay attention to your own rank and being the drone you claim to be, you need not think about much else anyway.

And before you dis any skill I might have, it took the five top fleets to take me down a notch and I'm still in the top 10. That's something I know you're certainly not even remotely capable of. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

Slash wrote:
And before you dis any skill I might have, it took the five top fleets to take me down a notch and I'm still in the top 10. That's something I know you're certainly not even remotely capable of. :lol: :lol: :lol:
dah... when do you see me out of the top 10 Slash??
i dont drop out of the top 5 when i FS.. lol :oops:

you could take out my fleet and see for yourself, but thats something your not "even remotely capable of".

and the 5 top fleets??? LMAO!!!! its like reading a Monty Python scetch.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

See, that's the cool thing about being in RAWK and not V- if one of us gets hit we don't quit like you guys do. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And yes, it took the top 5 fleets in the game attacking me at once to take me out. ;)

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

Slash wrote:See, that's the cool thing about being in RAWK and not V- if one of us gets hit we don't quit like you guys do. :lol: :lol: :lol:
thats lucky as there wouldnt be many left by now.. ;)

we had 1 new member for only a few days and she left after getting hit, yes.. lol was a good hit too, Istalris i believe not you as i doubt you've ever even scouted a V base.. so yes we've made one bad choice but we took her in after she was turned out by other guilds so thats the samaritan side of V i suppose.. :)

so we've lost 1 member, how many has RAWK lost so far??

and how did you have the top 5 fleets attack you?? do you mean 1 guy smashed your fleet to dust and others helped clear up the mess?? :lol:
does sending RC to your DF count.. :?

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

Recs??? You've got to be kidding. Do you want me to post the screen shot of all those fleets? How about the CR's from the failed attacks. But I wouldn't give you spit if you were dieing of thirst. heh.

And V hasn't done a charitable thing since it was created. You guys took her in because of her points- something you're so concerned about that you're willing to kill the game because of it.

It's okay. You can talk all the smack you want. There's only three V members worth a salt. You'll always be a player hiding behind your alliance. You couldn't survive on your own and you know it. It's the reason you feel you need to talk so much bravado.

Re: Alliance Backstabber...

lol you can say that after boasting about needing the top 5 fleets to take you on and not being knocked out of the top 10.. ;)
(i like the way you think, its what makes these threads so funny) lol

and why would i need to hide behind anybody?? all the moons i have i've made myself, waited for you to come for me after all the talk on the forum but you never came.. :(