by Deleted User
1 Inglourious Basterds 6 56.550.700 9.425.116
My brothers, We are friendly and good to talk to but we always look to dominate and keep everyone else on there toes
2 Eterna-ZEFA Treaty 31 50.597.542 1.632.178
PK is a great friend of mine and as ZEFA i would give compliments, but this to me is like the very old AZG too many farms to be a truly great alliance, and seems more about numbers
3 Black Rebellion 23 42.155.696 1.832.856
They didnt complain about the war against I.B bar a couple so give many credit who stayed and took it for there alliance. Alot were cowards and ran so a bit of a weak alliance to me.. Love kick though
4 Personae non Gratae 15 22.445.541 1.496.369
I dont really know anything about them, very quiet to me
5 Return Of The Greats 52 21.620.450 415.777
Return of the who?
6 Angels of Death 19 19.714.940 1.037.628
Once had great potential but fallen off since Yuna or however she likes to call herself left
7 Acedian 16 12.296.700 768.543
What can you say, this is the miners alliance, if you like mining this is the place to be. Although a couple i dislike there are a few i do, not a bad name either.
8 AZGUARD 42 12.123.276 288.649
Were once number one under Defiant but i think they can be proud that EZT has taken the thrown for the farmers alliance. Doll has worked hard with this alliance and its one of the longest standing so cant say to many bad things about them
9 *StarWalkers* 9 8.647.690 960.854
I dont see enough of them
10 Kriegstreiberen 25 8.444.053 337.76
Funny guys, i quite like all the members of this alliance quite fun and new, learning the game
11 Stellar Primes ™ 16 6.449.887 403.117
Leader abandoned them to be a farm but i have to say now they have lost there leader i can only see it getting better
12 DeathSquad 1 4.516.139 4.516.139
Death who? Id like to witness this
13 Alliance of pirates 8 4.345.643 543.205
Seen a couple of them, good name, hope they continue to grow
14 Angels of Vengeance 19 4.247.835 223.570
Do they hate Angels of death? lol, i think there should be a war between them
15 Sky Elites 18 2.416.690 134.260
Cool name, nice guys
16 Ghost Fleet 38 2.130.242 56.059
Ghost fleet or no fleet......
17 Mad Murdock Clan 1 1.672.548 1.672.548
I think one man alliances shouldnt be in the rankings. So nothing to say.
18 wolf1 1 1.640.357 1.640.357
Same as above, dont like one man bands... Its not classed as an alliance
19 ARCADE AVALANSA 1 1.280.890 1.280.890
Can someone take these idiots out the rankings... 1 man what?
20 VENI-VIDI-VICI 14 1.280.204 91.443
Obviously a fan club of I.B but will never really go anywhere lol