Click all bubbles of names you're interested in:

G1- Primex (pry-mex)
Total votes: 10 (15%)
G2- Astrin (a-strihn)
Total votes: 7 (10%)
G3- Rivor (rye-vore)
Total votes: 6 (9%)
G4- Hillkrone (hill-kr-oh-n)
Total votes: 3 (4%)
G5- Vasvir (v-ah-z-fear)
Total votes: 9 (13%)
G6- Oros (ore-oh-s)
Total votes: 8 (12%)
G7- Zyndes (zen-d-eh-s)
Total votes: 9 (13%)
G8- Ezeria (etz-air-ee-uh)
Total votes: 7 (10%)
G9- Destirim (d-eh-ster-ihm
Total votes: 9 (13%)
Total votes: 68

[Disapproved Dev Heavy] Player picked Galaxy Names

These are just a few names to get us started for Zorg (an idea of what names we're looking at as a community). Click whichever ones (you can click up to all 9) you like. Keep in mind that what galaxy I've placed them as has no meaning...
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Poll - Galaxy Names

I like all the names the only thing that I would like is that if and when they get assigned to a galaxy I would like it best if it were done in alphabetical order. This is not to say that I think G1 needs to start with an A, and G2 with a B, G3 C and so on

I guess it would be easiest if I just showed my preference for which galaxy would be assigned to which name using the names in the pole

G1- Astrin
G2- Destirim
G3- Ezeria
G4- Hillkrone
G5- Oros
G6- Primex
G7- Rivor
G8- Vasvir
G9- Zyndes

The reason I want it this way is because it will make it easier for me to keep track of things.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Poll - Galaxy Names

I would not like to spoil your fun, but there is absolutely 0 chance that we will ever assign a random name to any galaxy or any other part of the game, no matter how good it is or how popular it might get.

When we approved this suggestion, it was approved with the following scenarios in mind:
1)Globally meaningful names based on history/theme. (An example would be existing galaxy names - although not much appealing. If a better idea for a theme comes up, it will be easier to proceed.)
2)User defined names through game power (most possibly decided by alliances that concentrate the most power in galaxy, monthly update - most probable scenario)
3)User defined names through rubies (something like auctions, you win it, you get the name you want. Again on monthly update)

Of course the above scenarios are the only ones; It is still an unshaped idea. However, I have to dissaprove from now this kind of voting procedure. The least thing we can expect right now, is randomly popping up suggestions with voting polls for the favorite names of each player.