Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

KarrothMelu wrote:
Lastly, I will repost my idea so people won't have to go treading through old posts to find it...
KarrothMelu wrote:- Production freezes in all aspects (research, ships, defense, buildings)
- You are able to choose the VM option at ANY time
- If you have a fleet in the air at the time you press the button, your account will not actually be in VM until the fleet lands back on your planet/moon

If you're on FS or raiding or whatever, odds are your fleet will be safe anyway UNLESS you get lanxed, which is the reason fleeters wanted the exploit fixed in the first place.

Also keep in mind that attacks launched will still follow through even if the target enters VM while the fleet is in the air.
I'm not saying this is the perfect solution, but I do believe it's the best one we've got so far. And like I said, I'm open to feedback/comments etc. as long as we keep it civil and constructive.
I like this best
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

well we can argue all we want, but thus far to the poll, at this rate its pretty lopsided and clear that you should be able to v mode flying. As for fleet points, should just be gone not shown, the game would be alot more interesting if you really had to hunt by probe and lanx only. The poll will show what the majority want, Can no one else see that as is or any way that you cant hide fleet, the fleets in the game will shrink along with the player base. TBH there was nothing wrong with how it was, expect that it did need to freeze building and tech in progress. Big fleets might lke how it is at first till everything is crashed out and no one builds anymore

Re: Vm while active

Xxxx you're running round in circles mate. The previous vmode situation was deeply flawed, but the 'solution' that they came up with was clearly based on 'what technically fixes the problem for the minimum work' train of thought. Karroths solution is nearly ideal, though I would say 15-20m delay after last fleet lands before vmode begins, so any attacks already en route will have ample time to hit, even allow insystem/nearby fleets to get a crack in if they're fast enough. That should stop vmode abusal completely as its hard to hide your fleet from an attack using it if it will not trigger until after you're caught.

Re: Vm while active

as long as an attack is launched before V mode protection is activated the attack will still land and DFs are never protected by V mode therefore there is no need to have a delay after a fleet lands before the V mode activates. In addition Zorg has already stated that fleet points not showing up while a fleet is in flight is a bug and that they intend to fix that. When it comes to hunting down a fleet which is harder finding when a fleet is down by prob and lanx or by mapping a players colonies and waiting for their score to jump when their fleet lands then probing all their colonies and launching before they come on line. Finally everything except deut spent on moving ships should generate points. Why should fleeters be the only players that get to hide the majority of their points from everyone else? Also by having fleet points include fleets that are in the air the rankings will be more representative of a players true power and less representative of how good they are at fleet saving.

I still agree with the idea from Karroth
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

Not much to really argue after thinking about it.Karroths idea is great and debating further will likely not get anything better especially in this style.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: Vm while active

I had a power failure around my locality. Two days complete black out. Well its an emergency, did not bother vmoding cause i had a long queue of production going on.

but from tomorrow and for 4 days I am off for real vacation and guess what Zorg due to your new rule i am unable to hit vmode even if i put all my fleet down.

wasnt three days penalty was enforced so that vmoding actually meant u are off the game for at least a considerable amount of time?

well doesnt matter cause i can still take care of my fleet even when i am vacationing. but no thanks for taking some part of the fun out of my vacation.

i hope u play ze when u want time off from ze to get refreshed.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.