Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: New V mode Feature

Glad to see Im not the only one that dislikes this. I think there would be tons more support to undo this, however most dont even come here to voice it and will just go (I) and then no more. And Rogue does bring up better points if you have to leave in emergency, might as well call all you got gone when you get back, the game has gone down hill with this alone and I would not be suprised to see player base drop out even higher. This vmode "fix" is only good for the player that has nothing better in life but ZE, Benefits the few and ruins it for even more

Re: Vm while active

The change was implemented as a result of a certain member of IB butt-hurting the moon restoration changes, deeming it "not fair" that IB could not pop every moon in the game. The majority of the playerbase save 7 people does not like this change, and once again the activity/life of your game is gonna be threatened admins...
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O

Re: New V mode Feature

I have been posting arguments and solutions since the start of that topic and admins still not satisfy the majority of players.
Note: this is not a double post since these posts were from different topics that got merged what are the odds of that huh :P
Last edited by Jedi on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New V mode Feature

Lodbrok wrote:
xxxx wrote:as I hear some of them were given these accounts, cough form of cheating cough You will never see more accounts rise in fleet to match these accounts if they cannot hide
I am proud to say that I grew my account from zero points. Not everybody was given a "Golden" account. I worked hard and long to get it to where it is now. And I will refuse to take a better account - call it pride...

Anyway, how is it cheating to have an account passed to another person? If that person does not know how to take care of the account, the account becomes worthless. :think:
Lol at both of you. I get that you are talking about gozar´s account. Just for the notice i raised that account also from zero points and never spent a single cent for a ruby. The account was handed forward to a friend capable to continue what i had started, due to my lack of interest and time for the game, since i accomplished what i was capable to accomplish (i could never get in front of gumppy since the guy raids like crazy) :P
lordru wrote:i agree,its easy for the top players to say its a good thing...i dont like it,it makes the game less........but since im not a top player noone cares what i think
It is your problem only that you are not a top player.

And by the way, what is the point of fleeting if you cant brag around about your fleet crashes?! :lol:
I always thought it was a mistake not to show fleet points while fleet is in the air since everyone can then find out your on/off times by simply looking at the rankings.
True friends stab you in the front.

Re: Vm while active

Jedi wrote:now lets see what admins will do after the poll.
This is a good topic that really needs to be out there, and all involved in, need to get it out for people to vote on this. ZE faces a major fallout in player base so the few can be pleased and get easier crashes. I only see maybe 9 votes as no, or however IB has these days lol