A~O (Recruiting Closed)

We dont need any members atm.(Updated 12th December 2009).
However we will consider applications that meet the requirments.
We have very active members who are willing to help anytime.We are organized and very friendly.
We have a forum and you will need to register once you join the alliance as we announce important messages there.
As a new member you will be put on a trial. There is no set time for your trial period. You will be a trial until the leadership feels that you are ready for either a promotion or a disband. During your trial, you are expected to be active.
We dont want to play with peeps that logs once a week.
Make sure you visit http://aoalliance.page.tl/Alliance-Charter.htm and READ IT before you apply.
Updated 28-10-2009 requirments.
1. Only application with 80,000 points or above will be accepted.
2. Cooperative and communicative is a must.
3. Be an active player, inactives more than 15 days will be kicked.
(unless you inform an officer first - same rule applied for vacation mode)

A~O team.
Last edited by Rukai on Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:10 pm, edited 21 times in total.

Re: A~O Actively Recruiting.

I a member I can vouch for Rukai this is a great alliance to become a part of (we now have 19 members, all active)
3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: A~O Actively Recruiting.

Rukai wrote:
xar wrote:Isn't he at war?
I dont think so. It was a 1 man HimejiSR Vs Elite which was Null .
Unfotunately... :cry:

Well, I mostly just wanted to go to war with someone. Yeah, I might join the alliance but I hate the Unit's name for his alliance but probably not. If you merge, me and Unit, last I heard, have a truce so we don't fight. I also wouldn't attack anyone in your alliance either if you merge, but I might not join.
If I had to choose who I would die fighting against, I would choose corrupt government.