Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: V-mode cure all.

Zorg wrote:VMODE
To enter the following must be met:
-No ship/defenses production
-No buildings construction
-No technologies research
I'm not liking this. Buildings and research can take multiple days to complete. Take for example, the Jump Gate. 25 days without a RF, but even with decent RF takes a while. I think production should pause in these cases, not prevent VM from being entered.
Zorg wrote:Requirements to enter VMODE:
-No fleets in air (besides the rest)
This is more understandable, but I still don't like it. There are times when RL does pull people away while their fleets are in the air, sometimes quite a ways away from landing. My suggested fix: delay VM until the fleet lands. This enables fleeters to still lanx and hit if they can, but still protects the player in case of a RL emergency.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Vm while active

I didn't read much of this because i am already confused.

To enter the following must be met:
-No ship/defenses production
-No buildings construction
-No technologies research

This isn't right for the ones that have BIG problems in REAL life that come out of the blue. Being I am a single mother and my child comes before this. Its bull if I am raiding or building I couldn't because of something IMPORTANT IN MY LIFE that has happen at then and there go into vmode. I hate going into vmode as it is because of the 3 day wait. But I have had to do this a few times DUE to things out of my hand in real life and I would be in the MIDDLE of building things. I know Zorg can not please everyone in this game. But really this is unfair to people that don't vmode because of a attack. There as to be a way around this. Because I work hard on my fleet and wouldn't like losing it because I can't vmode if I have to deal with real life problems.
“If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful”
No Fear No Surrender No Remorse -

Re: Vm while active

No one will be 100% happy on here. But to take something from some of use that sometimes do need vmode in the middle of doing thing is unfair to us. I am ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS building. Research takes days at a time to build something. Vmode I thought was there for people that have RL problems that pop up that we can VMODE. I enjoy this game and this is the first time I am truly unhappy with something. I might be on here alot but my real life does have things that happen out of the blue and I do have to jump and leave. Vmode is the only thing that helps with RL happens. Taking that from players that put alot into the game is unfair. When you attack someone and they vmode you still hit them. So it wont really matter.
“If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful”
No Fear No Surrender No Remorse -

Re: Vm while active

I found no flaw to the reasoning a solution must be built from that though.Which is why there is this topic.Now find some like minded people.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: Vm while active

Why do we have to come up with compromises? The building activity and stuffs has nothing to do with game play. The only thing that can be argued with is the fleet activity which was clearly skipped from this upgrade.

I really dont see why you want to limit the access to vmode for players who are in no way under any active battle or anything with any one. The only reason this topic was argued with was to prevent exploit i dont see how this new update addresses that issue.

If compromise is what you wanted to provide then i say lets just turn off the vmode for all purposes. cause thise upgrade will ensure that no one is going to vmode ever unless i have decided to quit this game and go perma vmode.

I hope Game dev team dont want us all to quit ze to make a statement. Sorry for being a bit extreme on this topic. but i do not appreciate half way done compromises. The entire thread that we all tried to come up with a solution all our efforts are just ignored all together.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.