Re: Hall of Shame

3 days ago I was trying to move my fleet to another galaxy. I was conserving fuel so I set it at 20% speed. (Takes about 7.5 hrs) Halfway through I received an emergency call. I had to go somewhere for some time.

My fleet's ETA was 3 more hours. I can't go into vacation mode and I need to get to the bus station NOW! So I had to move my main fleet. The farthest possible was only 28 hrs away @ 10% speed. That's around 56 hrs for a fleet save. (recycle) So I fleet saved there, moved all resources to a single planet and rushed for the bus station.

Two days later I tried to access the net through a cellphone. (!@#$ it was really slow) I still can't go into vacation mode. No building was under construction. No research. No fleet movement. I remember reading somewhere that you have to set your resource production at 0%. When I tried I was being redirected to the main page. It was the same when I tried to write a message. (Circular or Private).
I checked the combat report: Only 1 attack against my newest colony. No great loss there. I closed the connection and went to sleep.

Finally I got home. Guess how many message I have.
57 espionage reports and 42 combat reports. I lost my 9k solar sats. :cry: and around 2.5m units of resource per planet. (not a single moon :cry: )
Luckily my fleets were untouched. Just the LCs I use in transporting goods.

So here I'm back again.
"Raise me up through the ashes"
Seasons end.

Re: Hall of Shame

Most of the resources I have given away *cough* :D was produced by the mines during my 2 days inactivity. The only sad part is I did not get a moon from my 9k sats. :cry:
Oh well. No regrets there. Most of events was out of my control. :D
Seasons end.