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Re: Planet Defence

Lets use American football as an anology. The quarterback needs a lot of linemen to protect him so that he can get the ball in the air. Without them he's sacked for a loss. Without fodder, your primary defensive weapons take the brunt of the attack and are quickly destroyed.

Fodder is a mandatory requirement for an effective defense.

Re: Planet Defence

If you have 100 rocket launchers and 5 plasma turrets and are attacked by 10 Destroyers, you stand a chance of keeping your resources. Without the rocket launchers, you're someone else's lunch.

But if you want to play your defense without fodder, I'm sure you'll learn a good lesson in short order. BTW- what are your planet coordinates? :D

Re: Planet Defence

I agree with you in every way slash, fodder is definatley compulsory for an effective defense. However, i beleive what they are trying to say is this:

You have 100 Rocket Launchers and 5 Plasma Turrets and you keep your resources.
You have 0 Rocket Launchers and 5 Plasma Turrets and you will almost definatley not.
This is your statement yes? Please tell me if i am wrong :)

I beleive what they are trying to say is why not have say 25 Plasma Turrets instead.

I do not agree with this, just thought i should make their point a little more clear as they appear unable to ;)
The answer is guys, that fodder is always cheap! You are saying its better to have bigger and better defenses. Try getting the required amount of resources to make a defense of Plasma Turrets/Gauss Cannons effective in comparison to the resources required for simple fodder + a few good defenses.
I think this will solve your confusion ;)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Planet Defence

Yes, it's cheap. But it also protects against the rapid fire rates of an enemy fleet. 25 Plasma Turrets will not get off nearly the amount of firepower without the use of liberal fodder. Besides, very few in this game are going to be purchasing 25 Plasma Turrets any time soon. Most are having a hard time figuring out that they should be going for colony ships. Spending their res on small attack ships. Jeebus....