Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

Ahsan wrote:also i think im the only opne with an actual bomber fleet...wich is wierd...well besides me and IB...those guys have ships so they an just stare at and over power with lolz

Let me know when you want to have a bomber

I love this idea anyway. Look on the scorboard and you will see why... At least this could be a new subject in the awards...
[Showing no mercy!

Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

comettail27 wrote:ehhh... emmm... this might add a little trouble to the battle engine. If this were to be implaneted i would suggest it would be in a new universe, perhaps the speed universe, or perhaps one that comes after that.
Just to clarify you like the idea but you are worried about stability issues?

Istalris wrote:Fantastic idea! Needs a little work, but the concept is very inviting.
I would love to get this refined a bit, what suggestions do you have?
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