Diversity bouneses for ships

Everyone or at least a lot of players have been complaining about how some ships are "obsolete." I was thinking that perhaps the weapons, shields, armor, and/or rapid fire (if you don't want to mess with rapid fire then fuel usage could be used instead) could be affected by how divers the fleet is. Which of those four (or which combination of those four) is open for debate but I was thinking that the bonuses could be based on what the percent of each class of ship is in the fleet being sent.


Fighters and Cruisers increase rapid fire by 10 percent rounded up to nearest whole number if the fleet is composed of 20-30% fighters

Bombers, battleships, and battlecruisers increase Weapons by 10% if the fleet is composed of 20-30% of those ships

Destroyers, Death Stars and the much anticipated lunar guardian increase shields by 10% if the fleet is composed of 20-30% Destroyers or Death Stars

Cargoes increase armor by 10% if 20-30% of the fleet is composed of cargoes

Let me know what you think but please be constructive. If you don't like the idea please explain why you think it will not be good for the game. Simply stating that it is not needed is not constructive unless you provide a different viable solution to increasing the value of "obsolete ships."
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

love2scoobysnack wrote:"obsolete ships."
Not a bad idea... But what ships are you talking about when you say Obsolete ships? I use all of them for different targets. It really depends on how the target is setup with defenses, ship composition and lack of both - on what I send at the target. Please explain this. Thanks.
'Wake early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle's won in bed.'

The Havermal (Viking Book of Wisdom)

Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

Lodbrok wrote:what ships are you talking about when you say Obsolete ships?
So tell me how often do you use the Small Cargo or heavy fighters and what about light fighters or bombers? The point isn't which ships are obsolete it is more a matter of what we can do about the fact that the majority of players that have posted on subjects like this agree that their are some ships that are not worth using.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

i can actually think of a few uses of the other kind of ships except for Heavy Fighter as eric said.

you cannot forget the Cruisers are still the fasted heavy warship there is. It do come in hand if u can apply them rightly. but that is not usual practice i agree.

and as Eric mentioned adding a considerable number of fodder ships gives u the advantage of preserving ur heavy guns in a battle, untill Battleships become cheap for u light fighters are good fodders. and again this goes around the belt of ranges of firepower u want to confront with. every enemy is unique thus shall your attack fleet be diversified to match it against.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Diversity bouneses for ships

im responding to one of the first posts
So tell me how often do you use the Small Cargo or heavy fighters and what about light fighters or bombers? The point isn't which ships are obsolete it is more a matter of what we can do about the fact that the majority of players that have posted on subjects like this agree that their are some ships that are not worth using.

i use LF for distractions in my RIP Raids, heavy fighters , i dont no y they were put in this game and y i have like 1k of em...and bombers...i have used bombers and have a neat amount of em....and they really do even odds against some defences...especially with Battle ships ......

and SC...raid with those too much that and some LC

also i think im the only opne with an actual bomber fleet...wich is wierd...well besides me and IB...those guys have ships so they an just stare at and over power with lolz
"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict what they will do. "