
have u noticed how a really good war is entertaning to everyone and also teachs the players in it how to b better players...well think about it everyone likes a war ive read the topics in war forums...but yet no one likes to war....u know y?its no good reason to atm,i think zorg should give incintive to war,like make a war score board and keep track of each allainces war ranking dam caused and dam recicevd,to show the best war allaince.....but i understand then everyone will make allainces so in order to make standing ur allaince has to be formed and active for 1 month...idk i miss wars...and all allainces that say we dont do wars is cowards
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: incentive

lordru wrote:all allainces that say we dont do wars is cowards
Here is my answer to you Rtard, we all know what the problem is with wars, its based on TD (turtles are mainly targeted) and most of the time its also unprofitable.
Even if you make profit it still is a less bigger growth then when you play normally.
Saying that alliances don't do wars are cowards is just plain wrong, there are many factors you should consider before going on a war.
Sure its always nice to follow a war but its something we can say more of a luxury thing then a need for survival.

Re: incentive

I agree with everything Jedi said, there are a lot of people who see the fact that war only hampers progress, especially if you are not a fleeter. That's not cowardice, it's logic. Would you run in front of a car for the adrenaline rush just because the people at the hospital will get you better? I didn't think so.

There is no need for a war scoreboard, it's just another reason for the fleeters to get another number 1 next to their name, how is it going to benefit the other playing styles?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: incentive

ok then close all war topics right?since its no good way have wars in the game.....noone likes war but every will merc in it for someone elses allaince huh.....and no need to call names jedi wtf i cant even write on here with out some idiot calling done posting on forums,
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: incentive

Just saying that you started it by telling that everyone is a coward that doesn't go on wars without proper investigation.
Its like saying everyone is an idiot if they don't know what the rules are of football.

I've witnessed flaming on youtube the #1 flame sharing site, people got crippled there like they survived an airplane crash. :lol:

Re: incentive

you must not see what you are saying.You want to be a spectator to a that more heroic than one who doesn't want to join one?
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: incentive

Jedi wrote:Just saying that you started it by tell ... estigation.
Its like saying everyone is an idiot if they don't know what the rules are of football.

I've witnessed flaming on youtube the #1 flame sharing site, people got crippled there like they survived an airplane crash. :lol:
ok first off i never said people are cowards if they dont go into war without proper investigation....i said ALLAINCES that refuse war is cowards because on their allaince page it does not say.....we will not war unless we do proper investigation,it says we dont do war.if ur allaince is challanged over a respectful matter then u as a group should defend each other. i did not say ppl...i said allainces,and as far as turtles get hit ist,defense doesnt count in total damage i thought? so y hit turtles if it doesnt count.....and im not a retard...i think, :Doh: not sure ill get back to u on that one say nothing good comes from it,but bragging rights do count for something,and without wars and battles legends cant b born
Last edited by lordru on Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: incentive

lordru wrote:
Jedi wrote:Just saying that you started it by tell ... estigation.
Its like saying everyone is an idiot if they don't know what the rules are of football.

I've witnessed flaming on youtube the #1 flame sharing site, people got crippled there like they survived an airplane crash. :lol:
ok first off i never said people or cowards that dont go into war without proper investigation....i said ALLAINCES that refuse war is cowards because on their allaince page it does not say.....we will not war unless we do proper investigation i did not say ppl...i said allainces,and as far as turtles get hit ist,defense doesnt count in total damage i thought? so y hit turtles if it doesnt count.....and im not a retard...i think,not sure ill get back to u on that one lol.....but im just tossing stuff around
I don't think you quite grasped my point. What benefit does a turtle or a miner get out of war? All they can do is sit there and have their stuff trashed at every available opportunity by opposing fleeters.

War is a fleeters action, not one that needs to be forced upon all players in the way of a ranking.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: incentive

what good does a turtle get outta a war...hmmm...none i quess..but vice versa what good does a allaince get out of a turtle?hmmmm....none i guess(except points,but points wont help ninja)
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: incentive

I think we should swiftly back up before this devolves into a "fleeting is the only thing that should exist" thread.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...