Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

TheLegendFishpond wrote:Ok so when is the VM rule changing. Hearing from you Zorg i liked the implement you are installing that why there is a building queue or fleet queue you cant VM and i further stand by it. The reason being its quite obvious a few in the game are using this to there advantage, coming out of vmode, waiting 24 hours for resources then building a fleet and VModing again. So im looking forward to this introduction.
Do you seriously have no common sense at all? Until there is a way to cancel ships while building it is an AWFUL idea to force the build queue to be finished before vming. Think about it this way: you go on a big raiding spree, getting a few hundred mil res that you want to pump into RIPs. Lets say for this example that you have nanite 6 (you've probably got higher but I don't so bear with me). Nanite 6 lets you make a RIP in a bit more than 30 minutes, multiplied by 50 (lets say you got 250m/125m/75m from your raid) - THATS 24 HOURS. Imagine now that you have emergency that pops up, you can't cancel but you can't vm either? How f retarded is that? I can understand needing to cancel buildings and recalling fleets (although I don't agree at all with either) but you can't cancel things in the ship/defense build queue so it is an AWFUL idea to be forced to wait for that to be done. Now imagine if you've got nanite 4 on that same planet - thats FOUR DAYS of building (maybe more depending on your ship level). Use some common sense ffs and think about your argument before you make it. It might sound good in your head but you aren't always right, as much as you think you are because you are "a legend" (*cough cough*).

I'm just sick and tired of reading every one of your "I'm right and if you don't agree with me you are stupid" posts... its annoying as .


edited due to content

V-mode cure all.

This topic is for the general discussion of all V-mode related problems,thier affect on game play,what can be done to stop them,and how this proposed solution would work/affect game play.START!
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: V-mode cure all.

Well, you see my good friends. The number of people in vmode is proportional to the number of RIPs in the game at any given moment. The number of inactive moons is inversely proportional to said number of RIPs. This is the same for most active moons, save a few of VVV's moons, so people invest in vmode to conserve the amount of moons they will have in the future.

Taking a quick look at this data we can determine that RIPs are BAD for the game as a whole, as activeness is also inversely proportional to the to the number of people using vmode, and therefore the number of RIPs. The problem root does not lie at vmode, it is what we should be doing about the new spam-all ship for everyone who wants, is, or plans to be a dickmunch in the future. The Admin has decided to farther push this problem along by only allowing moons sizes to go up to 9600km in size, as apposed to the 9999km we could have before. According to the moon popping formula of (100-sqrt(moonsize))*sqrt(number of deathstars). That means 2450 RIPs can destroy and moon in the game with a 100% chance. Look at the top player, he has more RIPs then that. He can pop everyone's moon o.O Now the top players have decided that RIP = good for them so they all build many RIPs. Now that they all have many RIPs, no moon is safe from their lazerbeamz! They call us all cowards when we decide to save our moons/fleet be receding into vmode, but now with the restrictions the admin has placed on moon sizes, it is the only thing protecting out fleets from sure annihilation.

In conclusion, I vote for the max size of moons to be moved up, once again to 9999km, or even the un-poppable 10k size, and for the larger sizes to be easier to get. Maybe move the max % for a moonshot back up to or beyond 20%. Only moons above 9.7k are safe from over 4100 RIPs, and even then they are susceptible to the 1% method some are fond of using. The forums had a vote to decide on some of these issues earlier, but the most popular ideas did not make it to the final poll, and things got much worse for the average player. Activity in ZE is declining, and I fear that in the near future, the activeness of all player will be left in the wake of thousands of RIPs.

@Admin- Do what you said you were going to do in the first place and make it more dangerous to pop moons for fleeters, put in the chance of the fleet getting destroyed all the time, and make max destruction chance <100% or some of the many colorful ideas you gave before downsizing moons and ms chance, and making popping moons easier. Put in the new turtles stuff, ACS attack is only going to make it worse...

My two cents on the subject anyways, flame away everyone!
Last edited by Uπit43 on Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O

Re: V-mode cure all.

I have to agree with everything you said there Zorgon, it is now impossible to get a moon in game that can't be destroyed on a 100% no risk chance. What has happened here is that the admins have forced players into resorting to dirtier tactics to save themselves and in the long run, the only fleeters left in the game with be a) the ones who park their monsters on their moons and forget it because it doesn't matter, or b) people who have previously attained one of those nice big moons.

In all honesty and appropriate respect to the game developers, you must have been really ****ing drunk when you changed this, since it has been obvious for over a year that the moon destruction needs to be made less potent, even yourselves have acknowledged this. So what do you do.. go and cause the players to be unable to get a safe moon. I've seen some terrible things from the dev team in my time, but this, outweighs all of them by infinity.

My proposition to fix this and cause a lot less players to have to resort to VM as a tactic to save their fleet.

1 - Remove this ridiculous moon cap and put it back at 9.999km.


2 - Reduce the maximum moon destruction chance to 99%.


2 - Make it much easier to get a larger (9900+) moon.

Seriously guys, leaving it in the current mess is damaging the game beyond all previous measures, I'm sure everyone who has a fleet (except the players who are too big to care) will agree with me here.

It has occurred to me that the team may be under the impression ACS attack counter-effects this, but no, it does not. Especially not in it's current state, ACS attack right now is about as useful as normal attack, it's terrible. Even after it's fixed (if it is) you can't band together to defeat the larger players if your moons can be popped like balloons all day and night. Fleeters in this game format are notorious for their skill at the game, there are maybe 2 or 3 players in this entire universe that fit the bill of a truly skilled fleeter, and none of them are in the top ten, why? Because the style of fleeting happening here (outside of the two or three that I mentioned) requires very little skill, it's a target on a wall for them, not an intricate and exciting hunt while also watching your own ***. It's not their fault, no, it's the way the developers have screwed the fleeters game, in the nicest words possible.


Consider my words carefully, dev team, it's for the longevity of your game, not a jab at your incompetence.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: V-mode cure all.

Also, consider a year from now when every decent player has tonnes of RIPs. Noone is going to want to join extreme because the only people left will be untouchable and have enough RIPs to pop any moon. They will all flock to another uni/game, and extreme will slowly die out. Make defense better, down RF on RIP (or get rid of RF altogether), and give us a method to counter RIPs (as in get rid of the 24hr destroy period on moons). All the changes regarding moons and RIPs have been in favor of the top players. Smaller moons, uber RIPs, small ms chance, no risk for popping, ect. And with IB systematically destrolying EVERY inactive moon in the game, vmode is the alternative to fleetsaving, especially when you got hundreds of RIPs on the overview.

Make defense cheaper and more effective. Defense > Fleet should be what the game is all the time. Right now its RIP > Game. Another solution about the moons would be offer 9.5-10k moons for rubies. This would prevent some turmoil and finance the game more (if its the only way to avoid RIPs). Also, we need the Lunar Guardian now, and we need it to be damn effective.
Last edited by Uπit43 on Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O

Re: V-mode cure all.

Zorg wrote:Done

Moon chance now back at 19% aka 9800 max
Max moon destroy chance 99%
For real? Thanks Zorg and co! (Max chance was 20% before, and I know I had a moon bigger then 9.8k, but this is good for now) :dance:

EDIT: Just curios, but what is the minimum size on a moon? Maybe this can be elevated too?
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O

Re: V-mode cure all.

This is a pretty decent solution for now, but you know eventually even 9800 moons wont be safe. It's only when it gets to 9900+ that the scaling starts to take care of itself.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...