Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

That was will said. He is maken a good point that there is no one in standard saying that they do not want ACS Attacks. I dont know of anyone out side of the top 30 that play on the averge. I also think that if some of the lower rank players can get in on attacks would help motivate them to play more and work together with larger players. Like I have said in some of my post. I had to basiclly stop playing for a month to be able to attack more then 2 people. What fun can someone have just sitting there. But on the other hand, the people who just sit there. Has the chances to ACS Defend. Now tell me how that is fair :think:

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

Regardless of your stance on your decision, I feel the need to express my grave disappointment at not having the new ACS attack feature implemented in Standard. I am relatively new to the game, but was excited at the prospect of actually being able to coordinate attacks with alliance mates and such. It appears to me that while a decent number of new registrations for Standard are coming in, a significant portion of players drop out as well (has anyone else noticed the masses of iI players and the empty systems?)

Personally, I am not in favor of having to join Xtreme or an "identical universe" (what's that about anyway?) in the future just to enjoy this feature. I think that players, especially newer ones, would be more inclined to stay in Standard if they could work together without having to join a faster paced uni. Not everyone, me included, is worried about speed, just gameplay that evolves and keeps things fresh. That's my two cents. Do with it what you will.
If you cannot rule with open arms, then rule with iron fists.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

actually acs attack not benefit us ... as top rank .. bc its make us more vulnarable to attack by lower player
but u insist bc it will be more fun
i hope we can have acs attack .. for future this standard universe

naxar dont forger plyfai = gto
he vote "yes" to acs attack

pls consider this
No Turtle Allowed On This Area

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

You are right, Rava. Actually ACS attack will make us all more vulnerable in top 10. ATM we have a quiet comfortable position because only very few ppl are able to attack us. Still we are here and hope we get this feature cause it will balance out a lot of things and enhance the teamwork idea in all allies which is very important for the long term motivation.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

yes indeed ... even vulnerable to get attacked but there the fun
we need to have more challenge ^^
this acs attack will make alliances more lively ^^
i hope we can have acs on standard and xtreme as well
No Turtle Allowed On This Area

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

KarrothMelu wrote:So what you're saying is that the minority (high-ranked fleeters) should get special treatment over the majority (everyone else)? Standard was designed to be a casual universe. You knew that when you signed up.
We are not asking for special treatment, but we play,we know what situation going on in Standard. We play the game, and found out ACS attack is a good feature should be implement in all universe.
Even though Standard is casual universe, but not mean it don't need an ACS Attack feature. We are just trying to voice out our opinion and make the game better.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

I have a good question to present about acs defends..awhile back phalanx was changed from a beginning which was free of the 5000 deut charge to finally following the description in place and charging the 5k each lanx.

So the question i present is when will acs defends start charging the deut of defending fleets and when will the number of fleets able to defend a planet be limited to the current level of depots? at current infinite numbers fleets can acs defend a single moon free of charge to the defended for up to 32 hours with just a level 1 depot.

The alliance depot supplies fuel to friendly fleets in orbit helping with defense. For each upgrade level of the alliance depot, 10,000 units of deuterium per hour can be sent to an orbiting fleet.

current is zero deut needed.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

Players from standard server haven't lost that much time waiting for acs attack as the players of xtreme, suck it up and stop flaming the admins.
Think outside the box for a change just as what Death does (he probably gave up on acs either after reading that many post of him :P)