Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

yup thats the thing. if there is no attack. there is no reason to claim that the player vmoding is unfair. u have to attack that person to say that ok he is fleeing. that is the main point in all this. or fleeters want more power over this?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Vm while active

SPY wrote:i think u fail to see the point.
No I didn't fail to see the point I have just rejected it as unacceptable. To allow someone else to have control over when you can or can't enter VM is completely unacceptable. This is the only suggestion that I have read in this thread that I think is worse than leaving VM as it is. The one part of this game that I hate the most is that the top players think that because there is a best way, a safest way to fleet save that it is the only way. And with your suggestion it would truly make it so that there were only one way to fleet save. Let's expand on the scenario I gave before.

Let's say that three days before you are going to leave on a real life vacation you decide to do one last attack and you get caught on lanx you are now blacked from going into VM for 5 days. With what you are suggesting it would require 5 days of non-aggression before a planed real life event to make sure that you will be able to go into VM when you need to. What will that do to the weekend warrior that only plays for two days a week?

There is a big difference between a player knowing that a specific action will prevent him from going into VM until that action is completed and getting caught on lanx and bared from VM for 5 days by chance or bad luck (which means another players skill).

Here is a list of suggestion from this thread and the order in which I like them

1) No VM while an attack mission is in progress including return flight.
2) Increasing required VM length based on number of VM's in a 30 day period. With this option you would be able to buy your way out of a VM early with rubies (but never earlier than 72 hours after activation). Also with this option a Weekend Warrior VM (WWVM) option would be created which requires 48 hour advanced activation of WWVM and VM protection will last for 4-5 days (open for debate).
3) No VM with a return mission in progress
4) Pay rubies to us VM more than once a month.
5) Do nothing
6) Stop playing the game (may not be suggested in this thread but I would do that before the next suggestion)
7) Allow an opponent to pay to keep you from going into VM
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

i think i am in kind of fishian state. putting fish shoes is kinda uncomfortable but you need to put on other's shoe time to time, just to appreciate point of views.

again try to understand here and see from my point of view before blindly rejecting ideas.

if u are not in vmode u are living under constant threat. if u are in vmode u are safe. utill u are in vmode u are responsible for the where about and the health of ur fleet. if there is an out bound attack mission that is returning and u are hoping to hit the vmode by all means hit the vmode. but if someone traces ur inbound fleet on lanx its part of the game and if he locks it then u have to be in the game as that is the part of the risk u take.

try to see a fleeters point of view here. and if u are under attack only then ur vmode feature is locked. not before. it does not matter if u are able to withstand the attack or not. u always have the chance to vmode ater ur fleet returns.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Vm while active

SPY wrote:again try to understand here and see from my point of view before blindly rejecting ideas.
Just because I still disagree with you does not mean that I have blindly rejected your ideas. I am of the strong opinion that VM needs to be consistently accessible, meaning the conditions must always be the same regardless of what other players are doing. I am not opposed to changing the conditions but those conditions must be based solely upon the actions of the player who is entering VM. VM is the only feature designed to be a direct interaction and indication of a players real life. I know I am making a big assumption here but I am willing to bet that the only reason that VM exist in the first place is to maintain player activity levels. I know that may seem counter intuitive however, if every time real life called you lost your whole fleet all solar sats and most of your defenses how long would you keep playing for? The only viable play style would be miner and how boring would that make the game.

All that said VM needs to be something that can be counted on no matter what other players are doing (that does not mean one click away at all times for the love of all things holy please let us put some restrictions on its use) otherwise players will get frustrated and leave the game. I DO want to see VM taken away as a means of hiding and for it to be used only for its intended purpose of being a safety valve for real life.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

love2scoobysnack wrote:
SPY wrote:again try to understand here and see from my point of view before blindly rejecting ideas.

All that said VM needs to be something that can be counted on no matter what other players are doing (that does not mean one click away at all times for the love of all things holy please let us put some restrictions on its use) otherwise players will get frustrated and leave the game............
I don't have any record that someone leaving the game because of it. Fishpond faced this matter couple times and he still playing, I remember Zookon also complained about this and he quit not because of this matter, I do remember a lot of people complaining and they still playing. So it won't drive people quitting.

Re: Vm while active

just thought i would throw in some statistics. i personally been hit in total 5 times so far in my one year career in ze. among those 5 times i lost my the then entire fleet or a big portion of it and none were less than 1/3 of my entire strength. the maximum reached to 1.5 bil hit. which is not common if u know what i mean. and that is a pain to rebuild too.

if you check the UoH you will see constantly ppl are being hit and every month two to three hits that goes beyond billion mark. thats around 25-40 hits a year. and apart from a personal issues which was completely R/L related i am referring to ACE who quit after he lost his fleet but that was just because he has real life issues.

none of the hits unless it was some real life issues the players are still playing. to get hit is part of the game and to grow on from hit and rebuild is the life in ze. you cannot possibly say that u wont get hit and whine about getting hit and then quit. thats not acceptable. you gotta play on that is why every body says GLoTr after every hit post to the loosing side that means Good Luck on The Rebuild.

what we are trying to address here is not to keep the vmode feature away from the players but of players exploiting it. and as you might have read earlier it was settled that exploitation has been achieved in that loop hole. we are merely trying to close that loop hole.

and the loop hole exists at the place where the players try to evade the fleet attack. try to come up with a solution to that rather taking us back to square one cause we have crossed square one over in this thread already.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Vm while active

snave0110 wrote:
love2scoobysnack wrote:
SPY wrote:again try to understand here and see from my point of view before blindly rejecting ideas.

All that said VM needs to be something that can be counted on no matter what other players are doing (that does not mean one click away at all times for the love of all things holy please let us put some restrictions on its use) otherwise players will get frustrated and leave the game............
I don't have any record that someone leaving the game because of it. Fishpond faced this matter couple times and he still playing, I remember Zookon also complained about this and he quit not because of this matter, I do remember a lot of people complaining and they still playing. So it won't drive people quitting.
Your comment is not applicable to what I said. What I was saying is that if you jack up VM so players can't know ahead of time with 100% assurance that it will be available at a specific time then people will start to leave the game because of it. If you allow other players to have control over VM then you start needing to calculate probabilities into the availability of VM under certain circumstances that is all that I am against.
SPY wrote:try to come up with a solution to that rather taking us back to square one cause we have crossed square one over in this thread already.
I gave 4 alternative ideas previously that close the loop hole without going "back to square one" that are acceptable solutions because all aspects of VM availability are in the control of the person going into VM. I think you are of the opinion that I still don't understand what you are suggestion but just so you don't start questioning my mental capabilities I am in medical school.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

snave0110 wrote:
love2scoobysnack wrote:
SPY wrote:again try to understand here and see from my point of view before blindly rejecting ideas.

All that said VM needs to be something that can be counted on no matter what other players are doing (that does not mean one click away at all times for the love of all things holy please let us put some restrictions on its use) otherwise players will get frustrated and leave the game............
I don't have any record that someone leaving the game because of it. Fishpond faced this matter couple times and he still playing, I remember Zookon also complained about this and he quit not because of this matter, I do remember a lot of people complaining and they still playing. So it won't drive people quitting.
You are right i probably wont quit but if it keeps happening i might take a perm VM and try a competitor because its stopping the game play.