Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

I personally don't know how people can spend all their time on ZE without getting frustrated or tired or whatever... at some point you need to take a little break from it or else you get too obsessed with it.
I play other games as well besides ZE and equally divide my time.
I remember the times when I used to play WOW non stop being obsessed with it, I really was enjoying myself but now I'm thinking; should I consider it as good memories or not?
Perhaps if people will think about it as well they will start treating each other better.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

Hmm i guess i needed to underline the 'that is perfectly fine' portion of that post.

Did you ever consider i don't care about any of those things you posted about?It's your right to be offended as it doesn't seem to be hard to do.But what you did do is prove my 1 dimensional thinking i spoke of.Not one thing you ranted about talked about game play that effects me so i don't care,we are not friends..will never be friends..and that as they say is that.

Can't say i agree with all of zorgs post but wont say i disagree with it all.Letting people voice opinions is critical to any games survival.The iron fist don't talk about other games thing is something i never agreed with and i consider highly hypocritical since to a large degree it is the idea to try and draw people in from other games as well as the use of advertisements.But when they get here and visit the forums and see what is going on and how long it has been going on,than you will not retain the high quality people the game needs.

For me if i was a new player just to log in and see one alliance has a monopoly on the forum mods would turn me off.I never liked it when we in RAWK had the high majority back in the promotes to much bias in what should be a neutral arena to show favortism to some and hatred to others.AND it is my godd@mn right to react the way i want whether you like it or not btw so stop telling people to grow up.

Anyhow SPY a rare thing but i agree you..make a list, start at the top, get it done and move on.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

well i think i have spent a fair share of my time around the forum trying to provide my point of views on what to i felt needs to be done. i would like some expert, as it seems i still lack that, point of views on the issues. i would prefer complete subjective inputs, no i think it should be or i would prefer this should be that way. or even in my opinion, what this thread should contain are fair facts and specific factual model of what u want.

i am not going to take my time in this and start it cause right now i do not have much. yes i do post alot but those are mostly standby posting not taking my time and really posting in organized manner.

if the above can be addressed it will be nice to see at least some maturity among forum dwellers. now take it over asking experts in this case.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

all this talking and no progress in decisions is awful, too. plz start the vote for acs attack in standard / universe. there is no reason to delay it.

one addition: the * behaviour to show a players activity is pretty stupid atm. a player can log in on a moon so u never have a chance to know if a player is really online or not. stop that logging in on a moon or let it produce a * on the planet at least.

furthermore a general log out of all players at a specific time would be a great addition e.g. 01:00 AM server time. do some server maintenance sh1t and update statistics. i dont need a 30 minute scan of my fleet points. ppl can make a log of fleet savings just watching these points. with this general log out ur also raising the anti cheat level e.g. stopping 24/7 scripts doing whatever.

attacking is pretty useless in a developed universe cause fleeters have stargates on their moons. u must be crazy to attack a fleet and risk that your enemy is jumping his rips just a few seconds before impact. this is causing a stale mate.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

the game is called a strategy game for some reason. there are work around on every drawbacks in game. as jedi said, its not a limitation rather a hurdle placed for u to over take with some other means. the hurdle is part of the game, so accept it and play along.
furthermore a general log out of all players at a specific time would be a great addition e.g. 01:00 AM server time. do some server maintenance sh1t and update statistics. i dont need a 30 minute scan of my fleet points. ppl can make a log of fleet savings just watching these points. with this general log out ur also raising the anti cheat level e.g. stopping 24/7 scripts doing whatever.
not sure what u are referring there but it feels like u want the rank refresh time stamps to be once a day? there are ppl who actually hide there ships from the rank refresh you might want to try that. its another game feature. if this is not the case then i would ask for a better narration of what u wanted to say please.
attacking is pretty useless in a developed universe cause fleeters have stargates on their moons. u must be crazy to attack a fleet and risk that your enemy is jumping his rips just a few seconds before impact. this is causing a stale mate.
not sure about standard game speed yet. if u are referring to extreme then there is a tactic called blind hit, which do not involve no probing just based on ur understanding or prior knowledge of the players strength u hit his coordinate with an educated guess. many ppl got others fleet this way before. you might try that. trust on the bigger fleeters blind hit the extreme fun u can have in ze.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

NitzerEbb wrote:ppl will prepare the jump gate in a time frame of 2 or 3 seconds. plz show me how fast u will check your espionage reports and then recall. it will take certainly longer....
It's called a ninja, it's been a tactic in this game and many others since the platform began. Jump Gates are one of the core components of the game and are about as likely to be removed as the metal mine is. People manage just fine, you are overreacting.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

i dont know the speed in extreme universe but in standard, a flight attack in the same system lasts approx. 15 minutes. every system in addition is one minute more basically. so big surprise attacks are not really possible. flying an attack without knowing if ur loosing everything (months of work) is not what i would call a strategy but a suicide commando.

strategy in my eyes is: waiting for the log out at 01:00 AM, then checking all planets for a * till the fleet hits. its teamwork doing this job with two or more ppl with ACS attack, doing the * scanning in rotation every xx minutes. atm a lot of luck is involved and teamwork is not possible or needed.

fleet points: to be honest, i dont think anyone should know how much fleet points a player has. this is what i call strategy in form of creating intelligence reports. scanning ppl long enough to get an idea how strong his fleet is. now i can just watch a ranking and i know EVERYTHING basically.

Re: [All Universes] Discussion about Game development

Indeed, there are different things to consider in each universe. Do as you see fit according to the circumstances. When life gives you lemons...

Also, I dont understand how what you described is any more strategic than what we have now? People have utilized the activity markers to gauge activity for as long as I can remember. As for your "fleet rankings show all" thing, I'm currently 54th in fleet points. I have 0 BS and 0 BC and 0 other fighting ships, except for a couple FS RIPs. As opposed to others around me, who I'm sure have nearly the same fleet points but completely different fleet makeup, not to mention you actually have to find the fleet in order to hit it. Using rankings is a valid strategy for fleeters. Don't like it? Avoid the updates with well-timed fleet movements. It's been done before.
-Death- wrote:For me if i was a new player just to log in and see one alliance has a monopoly on the forum mods would turn me off.I never liked it when we in RAWK had the high majority back in the promotes to much bias in what should be a neutral arena to show favortism to some and hatred to others.
Personally, I separate my mod duties from my in-game relationships as best as I can. I do my best to approach the forums in a neutral position, and I think I speak for all the current mods in that respect. It just so happens that a few of us decided to educate the in-game population as well as the forums one.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.