Here are the top 10 battles between two players to date in Zorg Empire Xtreme Universe.
Top Ten
1. Ahriman aka Gozar[AZGD] vs Sprog[AZGD]~TD~182,874,823,750
2. Gozar [~A~] vs. Destruction TD:
3. Gozar[AZGD] vs Destruction[Chosen]TD: 86.416.118.800
4. Torgard [AZGD] vs. Thorr [EZT] TD: 66,698,325,800
5. Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B] = TD : 52.325.459.500]
6. Pulsar v Sprog - Retirement - TD: 44.385.216.000
7. Ahriman aka Gozar[AZGD] vs Thor[Vallhala] TD: 40.408.192.750
8. Cristi [AZGD] vs jim [MOC]TD:37.296.438.450
9. ikyan [IB] vs. Destruction [IB] TD: 37.014.508.400
10. Gozar [AZGD] vs. Perses [BOSS] TD: 35.189.488.850
To qualify for the top ten your hit must be over 80 million (80,000,000) TD (Total Damage). You can find the TD of your attack by adding together both your and your targets losses. It also must have it's own combat thread posted in the Zorg Empire official forums. You can PM the moderators in the forums with the hit if you wish. After the top ten spots are filled, to qualify, your hit must exceed the TD of the tenth or higher place hit.
[XTREME] Top 10 All Time Hits (Non-ACS) (Updated 21/09/2014)